Mark V and boosting...

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Boost a Mark V?

  • Yeh?

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • Neh?

    Votes: 19 42.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Just picked up a new Mark V yesterday and have spent some quality time with it this afternoon. It is a gorgeous amp in every since. Having played boogies for years and have gone through 5x other boogies in the past few years, I feel I have now found my permanent amp.

My question for other Mark owners is : Are most players boosting theirs or not? I've been playing it un-boosted all afternoon and could not make the amp sound bad. I plugged in my TS9 and was stricken with even more tonal bliss. It takes more tweaking naturally because of the increased gain signal but cannot find the words for how good the tone was.

I would just like to get an opinion on other Mark owners if they are boosting or just using the amp's natural sound?

Funny i just got rid of all my drive pedals because I just couldnt see a use for them anymore, id gone off the TS9 anyway but the wampler cranked on the fat clean sounded almost exactly like the extreme channel!

Just my opinion of course, it was actually a relief that I didnt feel need for all those pedals anymore! :)
I will always vote for a boost. It just adds another bit of coloration to the tones your amp already produces, especially something like the suhr koko boost. It doesn't matter what you plug it into, it just makes everything sound better.

I'd rather set the amps gain a bit lower and use a boost to just put it over the edge. It sounds clearer and more responsive to me.
sted said:

Funny i just got rid of all my drive pedals because I just couldnt see a use for them anymore, id gone off the TS9 anyway but the wampler cranked on the fat clean sounded almost exactly like the extreme channel!

Just my opinion of course, it was actually a relief that I didnt feel need for all those pedals anymore! :)

I dumped my rat and ts9 'cause I'm getting everything I need from the amp itself. Plus, I've been in
a "less is more" mindset lately.

The amp's distortion replaced the Rat for me, no question. It's responsiveness to an decrease/increase
in volume (clean to breakup) made me ditch the ts9. The solo output volume boost puts me well over
the top but I'm still playing with this one. There seems to be more of a jump when the amp's output is
set lower (when I practice at home) But less of a jump with the solo in the same spot but with the
overall output up higher (with the band).

I still run a fuzz as dirt though, 'cause that one thing I haven't been able to get this bad boy to do :D
I have a Barber Tone Press and an Xotic AC Boost. Use each one for a specific color or effect, not on all the time. The MKV has plenty of tone.
I agree with the color changing for the better with a boost. The whole time I was EQ'in it today I could get amazing tones and color but I just needed that saturation that only comes with a boost. That sound that just punches you in the spleen "in a good way". :)
After seeing this thread I decided to go try mine boosted with my TS-7. Channel one sounded really dang good with a boost, but 2 and 3, I was not a fan of at all. I dont think I'll be boosting again.

However, I am planning on getting a fuzz one of these days, if that counts as a boost.
I guess there is a difference between boosting and driving the amp. I boost my amp at all times, with a clean boost. To power through my effects and hit the preamp tubes hard at the beginning. I find this is better than adding say a tube screamer to the existing gain channels.

Though I do use a Silverkiss with the clean channel.
I've used a bb preamp and while it sounds good, there really isn't any need for it at all. Especially with the extra noise it introduces.
I tried a Red Witch overdrive and didn't like it with theMKV. The Red Witch works great with my Pro Juniors and Blues Deluxe.
I ended up with an Xotic AC+. I really like this pedal. I use it when I need that extra bit of sustain and overdrive. It also gives me more tonal options.
Scary said:
I've used a bb preamp and while it sounds good, there really isn't any need for it at all. Especially with the extra noise it introduces.

I noticed that too when I turned on my Ibanez TS9. There was much more hiss and noise that was there but there was nothing when I ran straight into the amp with only a noise gate.
My Xotic RC Booster is always on at the end of the signal chain.
For a little extra, I throw in a Fulltone Fulldrive 2 w/boost or OCD
for more punch on Ch 2/3, or just to crunch out Ch1
Funny how much difference there is between one set of ears to another. I play pretty heavy stuff like Metallica and Iron Maiden and I feel I have too much gain sometimes without a boost. Different strokes. :D
ryjan said:
Funny how much difference there is between one set of ears to another. I play pretty heavy stuff like Metallica and Iron Maiden and I feel I have too much gain sometimes without a boost. Different strokes. :D

Yeah both sound amazing and you simply cannot make a Mark V's distortion sound like anything but pure goodness. Its not a question I think of more gain its just that the boost "saturates" the sound with a different color.
I am surprised pro-boosting is winning out in the poll. I'm just not feeling the tones when boosted on my mark so I guess I am biased :lol: Straight tone ftw!
One of the benefits of the V is that I don't even feel the need to add a boost. I am sure that I could make it sound great with a number of boosts as well, but it isn't necessary. I find this refreshing. :D
i use a RC booster :wink: it adds a different flavour for soloing in channel 2 :twisted:
HaggertysMusic said:
Just a follow up... we just shot a product video of the Suhr Koko Boost with the Mark V so you can hear it for yourself. Check it out!

jeez, people like you annoys me a lot..that video is a tremendous FAKE, next time dont play so gently with the boost off and turn your guitar pot all the way up, I can tell when your are in ch3 :wink: ..FAKE again

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