Mark llc to llc+

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Jan 21, 2006
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Hi, I am new here, was directed this way by some people on the gear page,
I am the original owner of a mark llc simul/with EQ and ev speaker,
I have recently learned about the llc+ conversion and am
debating that move. Is this mod best done at Mesa thru Mike B. ?
Does anyone have a ballpark figure of what this mod costs?
My mark llc was the first "great amp" I bought and have a sentimental
attachment to it so i don't think I would ever sell it, but nonetheless
would be concerned how this mod would effect the value........

The value would raise, I'm not sure about how significant this would be since it is wasn't born a IIC+...

If you like the sound of your amp, don't send it in! The mod will change the sound...

Mike B. would definetely be the way to don't want this getting fucked up.

It goes for around $200, I believe.
sub-d said:
Hi, I am new here, was directed this way by some people on the gear page,
I am the original owner of a mark llc simul/with EQ and ev speaker,
I have recently learned about the llc+ conversion and am
debating that move. Is this mod best done at Mesa thru Mike B. ?
Does anyone have a ballpark figure of what this mod costs?
My mark llc was the first "great amp" I bought and have a sentimental
attachment to it so i don't think I would ever sell it, but nonetheless
would be concerned how this mod would effect the value........


Just make sure you don't already have a iiC+.... I had never heard of a IIC+ until a few years ago when some dude said --- "Hey dude.... I think your amp is a IIC+....." I always wondered what the scribbles where over the power cord....... I knew my amp was special.... now I know it's $pecial!!!!!!!
Adding the + if it isn't already will add a lot more to the value then $200. And for the vast majority of buyer a MKIIC+ is a MKIIC+ whether it is converted one ar not.

What I can't tell you is what a MKIIC sounds like and that is the reason I sent you to this forum. I can tell I really like the sound of both of mine and they are both converted.
Just make sure you don't already have a iiC+....

Nope llc for sure no + by a.c. cord bought in 83 serial #11205
and thanks for the link

What I can't tell you is what a MKIIC sounds like and that is the reason I sent you to this forum. I can tell I really like the sound of both of mine and they are both converted.

Thanks dude, I think I will call Mesa on Monday
I had Mike B do the C+ mod on my loaded (Simulclass/Reverb/EQ) 2C SERIAL #11,960 about 2 years ago. When I first called the "other mesa mediators" told me that he was really busy and to call back in a few months. After it was completed around 6 months later Mike called me himself to go over the intricacies of MY amp and other additional things he improved, upgraded, or repaired! The more recent C+ mods that Mike does, IN MY OPINION, and based on what I learned from Mike are more refined and thorough and make the amp worth MORE than an "original" 2C+ with the same features (read my longer post a few topics back, "Any diff b/w a modded C+ and factory c+?"). He is the ONLY person that can and does the mods...he knows the Mark series inside out period! THE COST 2-3 years ago when I had it done to my LOADED 2C was $350.00 (it’s a little less if you lack Simul/Reverb/ or EQ). Also you pay shipping both ways. I insured my "chassis" removed from the cabinet and packed meticulously for 2 or 3K back then. SO Get on it! Get your penny's (I had to do Mesa and "get'r'done! while the getting’s good! SERIOUSLY don't wait unless the expense has to wait (IMO). :p
Thanks for the replies
I am hoping to get started on this soon.....
Maybe I will take some pics beginning to end, then post them after
all is done.......
He is not the the only one. :D

I find that the IIC was meant to be upgraded. Any late orders that were at the factory were send out as IIC+'s. If the IIC was so great, thn why did they change t so quickly to the +. It was a glorified MK IIB with quiet channel switching and more gain.
I get what you are saying, but.......
What I meant by it being my "first great amp" was that in 83 when I
ordered it, I remember saving up for the deposit and placing the order
and waiting several months for build and delivery. Living on the
east coast (ny) there was no place to even try them out back then.
So when it finaly arrived , it was kind of like x-mas as a little kid.
I remember the first gig I did with it and being totaly psyched on
the amp. I have owned many amps since that sound better,
but that boogie in 83 was pretty much "boutique" So perhaps for sentimental reasons "great" to me.
If you have a nostalgic relationship with it, then leave it alone so you can look at it and wonder what its true potential could have been. I totally understand the connection, but I remember selling a Strathead Charvel to put carpeting in my house 13 years ago for $ 400.00. Nostalgic, yes, reality, definately. I have no regrets. I left all of that baggage behind me.

You should have complained in 83' that you were mad about buying the IIC just before the upgrade. Mesa would have done it for free.

The current reality is that the IIC's are gaining in popularity and price as they are a more affordable way to get to the IIC+. If you have heard other amps sound better since 83' then you must not have heard the C+. To me, it is like the a 67' plexi or Soldano SLO 100. Perfection within a certain circuit design. If you get the upgrade done and dont like it, it can be reversed. It's just money and if you dont want the upgrade without hearing the IIC+, the I wish you and your wallet the best of luck. Most real IIC+'s are now selling for 66% more than there original value. I have 3 and hope to use them someday to pay tuition for two to UNC Chapel Hill. I have 12 years to see how the market goes. They may be the Dumble or 59' Burst of our generation.
If you have a nostalgic relationship with it, then leave it alone so you can look at it and wonder what its true potential could have been.
I wouldn't sell it, but have no problems doing a mod that would make
it sound better......
You should have complained in 83' that you were mad about buying the IIC just before the upgrade. Mesa would have done it for free.
Didn't, due to my own ignorance of it's existance back in the day.......
If you have heard other amps sound better since 83' then you must not have heard the C+. To me, it is like the a 67' plexi or Soldano SLO 100. Perfection within a certain circuit design. If you get the upgrade done and dont like it, it can be reversed. It's just money and if you dont want the upgrade without hearing the IIC+, the I wish you and your wallet the best of luck.
Nope have not heard the c+, psyched to hear mine when it is converted....

Basicly on the advice gleaned here, as stated a few posts back, I will be
going ahead with this.....
Thank you to all who responded

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