LSS V1 preamp tube...suggestions / diagnosis

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Sep 26, 2007
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so tonight, out of nowhere, the "drive" stopped working working on channel 2 of my LSS. My buddy Tim immediately thought/knew it was prob'ly a tube problem.

Sure enough, the recently-purchased, "NOS" Mullard 7025 (that I quite liked the sound of) had gone on one side (I guess...its the side of V1 the LSS manual says engages the "drive" stage). When he swapped in one of the other preamp tubes, voila, the "drive" worked...

Any way to fix a tube like that? I feel kinda cheated getting a bunch of practices and exactly 1 gig out of my NOS Mullard 7025...(bought from an individual, so no such thing as a warranty...)

No you can't fix a tube, I had the same thing happen with my LSC. I just popped in another Mesa tube and kept going.
There are probably plenty of folks that will disagree with me but I believe in only using NOS tubes in amps that were designed around them. I will be the first to say that nothing sounds better in an old amp than "new" old tubes. And when I can get them, I will.
But for my new amps I got no problem with using the Chinese, Russian, Martian, whatever it was that came with them. I have tried US made 5751's,7025's and even Sylvania 6L6's in my LSC and while it seems to sound better at the time (it's really only different),something later on makes me change them back to The stock Mesa tubes and then it sounds "correct". So how many times do you bump your head against the wall before you realize it hurts and you shouldn't do that? I don't know the answer to that, we all have different thresholds for go's the search for tone.
As far as tubes go, I'm over it. New for new, NOS for my old Boogie(s).
See 'ya, Jim

Oh,BTW, sorry about your Mullard,they are not cheap and that's gotta hurt.
Be aware that most NOS are not NOS at all but are pulled. Also be aware that some people sell bad NOS tubes that should be thrown away. Unfortunately the rich Hi-Fi boys would pay big bucks for those Mullard or Telefunken, that' s what driving the price to insane level. I agree with av8or3 above. Vintage amp or new amp based on vintage design would benefits from NOS tube. In modern amp like LS and factor in cost of NOS, new tube make sense (with the exception of the 5Y3 rect tube). Having said that I've tried a bunch of NOS in my LSS, and in the end I only keep a GE 12ax7 in v1 because it gives me more dynamic and smoother/cleaner high over the mesa and the JJs. In other spot the effect is minimal. You can still find NOS usa pre-tube (GE, RCA, Sylvania) at reasonable price. As for power tube, IMO, just stick to new production.
Hey all, I used a Tungsol gold with a small band of shrinkwrap around it. it is a little less buzzy and fizzy than the stock Chinese Mesa, i liked what it did for the overall gain structure.
Yeah, even the "plain" tungsol's are pretty good to my ears.

drunkdolphin said:
Hey all, I used a Tungsol gold with a small band of shrinkwrap around it. it is a little less buzzy and fizzy than the stock Chinese Mesa, i liked what it did for the overall gain structure.

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