just curious............

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Mar 5, 2006
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mesa mark 4 or a mesa dual recto, now i play heavy **** have owned both but i can only but one now and i want to get a heavy *** distortion and a killer lead and i am stumped on the issue. I know the mark IV is versatile and the recto has heaviness but which one can do close to both heavy as hell and still do bad *** screaming leads. remeber brutal harmonic screaming amp
I guess it depends on what sound you want? I've never really heard a Mark IV in person, but from what I hear on this forum, they are tighter on the low end but the distortion isn't as brutal as a Rectifier but there is still quite a bit.........the Rectifier has a looser low end and can get kind of sizzly or grainy sounding at times, but when dialed in right I don't think anything can touch it. The Rectifier tone is for me, but like I said, I've never heard or played a Mark IV before.

I think it's just apples and oranges, it depends on which one you like the best. Both are good, and both rock!
i'd say go w. the mark 4. if you dial it in well, you can get some big distortion. remember, chevelle and lamb of god use mark4's, and noone can argue they dont have a big sound. plus, the mark 4 has the best lead sound of the mesa's out right now.

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