I tried 6L6 with EL34 bias

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Jun 7, 2005
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First I want to say I have been reading the forum for a long time. I really enjoy people taking the time to share their knowledge and experiences with each other. I know we all are searching for that ultimate tone we hear in our head.

Over the last several years I have owned a Nomad 55 (twice), LSS, Lone Star, F-50, in addtion to some other makes like a Marshall 2061X. Recently I picked up a SROV head. I am older and not a heavy rock or metal player, but for what ever reason this amp seemed much more versatile then metal or modern rock. I play a lot of classic rock.

Since this post is discussing running 6L6's in the EL34 bias mode, I thought I give it a try at recording some comparison tracks. I am new to this home recording and these are the first tracks I have ever posted, so pointers would be appreciated. I did the same take using 4 different setting. Ch1 - Pushed to Max on gain, Ch2 - Raw @ 3:30 on Gain, Ch2 - Raw @ 3:30 on Gain in EL34 bias mode, and Ch2 - Vintage @ 12:30 on Gain. I was playing through the (MESA 5881 STR 425) 6L6's and my Marshall 2061CX with Celestion vintage reissue G12H30's. For guitar I was playing a PRS CU22 with JB in bridge position. Unfortuately I bumped the mic before the last take in the EL34 bias position, so the track is a little brighter than it would have been if the mic had not been bumped.

I don't know if the tubes would last long in the EL34 bias position, but it sure did enhance the gain, smooth it out, and warm up the sound. I sure did like it. If anyone tries it and has some feedback, I would appreciate it.

Since I have never posted personal clips to the internet before, I set up an account here. Hopefully the link works.


Also, one clip combines the pushed and EL34 bias take in a left and right pan. These 2 sounded best to me for the style music my clip represents.
You will eventually damage your tubes and possiable the output transformer doing this. The bias switch is NOT a tonal option but a MUST SET CORRECTLY switch. You may also find the amp hums more. Please for your own sake do not do this!

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