How many use Line 6 DL4 in a Boogie FX Loop

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Apr 19, 2007
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Line 6 claim that line level from an FX Loop can blow the DL4. How many of you are using it without a problem with their channel switching Boogies? The one I'm trying out actually sounds good in a Nomad 55 with the series fx loop mod.. If I'm going to damage I will have to go for a TC Nova Delay, DD20 or Eventide Timefactor.. The Boss DD3 clips, DD7 sucks tone (takes dynamics away bigtime) and Im not sure about the Vox Timemachine in a Mesa FX Loop?? Please help!
Hi there

I use to have the green one from line6 and used it both with my stilletto trident and mark 4 amps. No problem what so ever. I'm now using the boss dd20 with the mk4 and love it.

At one time I also used the pod xt bean as an effects processor in the loop of my stilletto and no problem.
Given a choice, I would look to the Time Factor or Nova before throwing money into a Line 6 delay....
Both units are bulletproof in a Mesa loop.

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