How do I get Dimebag's tone with a Mark III?

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Kid Howren

Jan 25, 2006
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I posted a topic a few years ago here about this and someone had tone settings including Graphic EQ positions on how to get his tone. I don't know if that person is still here but if any of you have a good way to dial in his tone I'd be more than happy to try it. I'm doing Pantera covers for a metal tribute show and I want to get his sound as best as possible. I've got a good idea of how to get it (scoop the mids), but I'd like to try everything I can and see what works best.
Sell it and buy a randall solid state. Not trying to be funny but dime had a sound that was his own and I wouldn't bet on you nailing it with out a ss randall.
I'd agree with that. A good solid state amp will make it MUCH easier to nail his tone vs. a Mark III.
Im thinking of the cowboys from hell tone, And I almost want to say if you raise your mids on the eq slider it would get you closer.
I built a Dime rig a while back using exactly what he used. RG100HT(rackmount) but the RG100ES is the same but is a head version, Furman PQ4, vintage (blue) mxr 6 band<--only this one. No other eq does what this one does. Its a whole other beast , mxr flanger/doubler, and the rocktron guitar silencer. I even bought 2 Century 200 heads and used those as well.

Thing you have to realize is that he mutitracked on ALL of his recordings to beef up the sound. Live he used as many as 5 heads at the same time to get the stereo effect. On CFH he used 3 RG100HTs as well as the eqs and flanger/doubler.

The mark III does have a similarity in the crunch and chainsaw type aggressiveness he got out of the Randalls.

I would suggest if you are dead set on using the mark III to invest in the mxr 6 band (it must be the blue one that takes batteries only. Do NOT get a 10 band.) and put it up front right after your guitar. The one that says just "graphic equalizer" under the sliders is the exact one he used with the sliders set in the frown shape but not pushed up all the way to the top but just under. Alot of people think he scooped the mids, but he didnt, he boosted them before the amp and leveled them out on the amp matching the treble and mids to about the "4" position. That is a VERY noisy pedal and squeals like a banshee and has frequencies that will make your ears hurt after long periods of play time. Think of the Pantera video where they mentioned "THreeeeeeeeeeee" after they were done playing. Thats spot on. This pedal adds the distinct "fizz" that you hear on the tailend of his tone and adds bite.

After the MXR, put the Furman PQ4 in the chain. I have all his settings if you need them. This helps tame the mxr 6 band as well as beefs up the bottom end and levels out the mids that are boosted with the mxr without taking out the chunk that it provides.

Most importantly and I cant stress this enough, the noise gate to tame the squealing of the mxr 6 band. I prefer the ISP Decimator over the Rocktron as it is more efficient after the Furman.

So, guitar>mxr 6 band>furman pq4> noise gate> amp

The MXR flanger/doubler is put in the loop. This is a VERY important piece of gear that Dime always had, even in the Damageplan days when he switched to Krank. It will help thicken up the tone and give you the effect of two guitars. The bucket brigade delay chip that is used in these is highly sought after and is the key to this type of delay. No other delay produced today can replicate it. Its also great for turn up the dealy and giving it a chorusy type sound like what you would hear on the "Intro" as heard on the CFH demos. The flanger is also to die for. Best flanger I have ever heard.

The pickups play a big part as well. On CFH he used Bill Lawrence L500L and later switched to a hotter version, the L500XL. Later using the Dimebucker which alot of people dont like but when the height is adjusted properly, its mean as hell. Very picky pup that one is on the height.

Thats basically it. This is a VERY high gain setup and when dialed in right is the most brutal chainsaw tone ever. I would suggest running this in full stack form as it adds the fullness to the sound.

On the other hand, if you want to skip all that and go straight for the throat with a plug and play amp to get his tone get the Randall X2. Its basically Dime and Rex in a box. I would also highly suggest trying out a Madison Prophecy. They seem to have recreated the Dime tone with that. You will be very surprised with how accurate they got it. Dean guitars has also, with the help of his longtime tech Grady Champion, created a solid state amp to recreate his tone that will be ready for shipment soon. Something to check out.

Again, if you are stuck on using the Mark III, get the eqs, F/D, and the gate I mentioned and it will get you in the ballpark. It wont be exact because the mark is tube but it will definitely be in the right direction.
take the 750 eq slider and slide it down through the bottom of the chassis, through the grill cloth, the reverb tank, your speaker cabinet, and keep going down until it reachs hell!!1
I needed a good laugh!

I remember reading about his gear many years ago. Even though its been said, things that stood out the most were frowny face eq, another eq, hush, then randall ss amp. Then there are his effects! I always wondered why someone would go through all that equipment to sound basically like a distortion pedal. Pantera is BAD ***, but Id never try to nail his tone.
JimAnsell said:
take the 750 eq slider and slide it down through the bottom of the chassis, through the grill cloth, the reverb tank, your speaker cabinet, and keep going down until it reachs hell!!1
i LOL`ed at this big time
JimAnsell said:
take the 750 eq slider and slide it down through the bottom of the chassis, through the grill cloth, the reverb tank, your speaker cabinet, and keep going down until it reachs hell!!1

This is the funniest thing I've read today.

BTW I'm certainly no Dimebag scholar and I'm sure Facelift knows what he's talking about but I've heard many 'stories' of him using Marshalls behind all those Randall heads.
Platypus said:
JimAnsell said:
take the 750 eq slider and slide it down through the bottom of the chassis, through the grill cloth, the reverb tank, your speaker cabinet, and keep going down until it reachs hell!!1

This is the funniest thing I've read today.

BTW I'm certainly no Dimebag scholar and I'm sure Facelift knows what he's talking about but I've heard many 'stories' of him using Marshalls behind all those Randall heads.

Actually Dimes first amp was a Yamaha combo amp. Ive heard directly from his first guitar tech (from the glamtera days) that he never used the marshalls in a live setting and also heard straight from Grady Champion (tech from Pantera) that he never used Marshalls either. He has been known to borrow or rent Marshall cabs way back in the day but never used a Marshall head live.

The only tube heads hes ever been know to use live or on recording are Mesa Mark I and Dean Markley DR Preamp for cleans. In Damageplan right before he was killed, he was using a modified Krank Revolution as well as other Krank models but was still using the furman pq3 and the mxr flanger/doubler.
Ultramog said:
Oh my. Any idea when or where he used a Mark 1?


Facelift is right, nailing Dimebags tone takes a bunch of steps. One part takes using the Bill Lawrence L500XL pickup, which is now only made by Bill and Becky; Secondly. If youre going to use a Mark III there are two options. If you're stuck with one without an EQ (like mine), is use the MXR M109 in the effects loop with the "holy grail" V-pattern with a focused bottom end and boosted midrange. Running it behind the guitar will just change the guitar tone. Otherwise, use the built in EQ. Using a Randall 2x12/1x15 wouldnt hurt either :wink: Also, disengage the shift pull.
Facelift said:
Ultramog said:
Oh my. Any idea when or where he used a Mark 1?



WOW!!! :shock: Sorry to dig this thread up. Im a big Pantera fan (RIP Dimebag). Thanks for all of your detailed info on his setup. Do you have any other pics of Dime's rigs? You can see exactly where he "chose" to tuned his guitars from this pic - too cool! :D

Btw, afxwinter over in the rigs and tones section covered 5 Minutes Alone on a Mark III and I thought it sounded (kinda) close.Linked here.
scottm said:
Facelift said:
Ultramog said:
Oh my. Any idea when or where he used a Mark 1?



WOW!!! :shock: Sorry to dig this thread up. Im a big Pantera fan (RIP Dimebag). Thanks for all of your detailed info on his setup. Do you have any other pics of Dime's rigs? You can see exactly where he "chose" to tuned his guitars from this pic - too cool! :D

Btw, afxwinter over in the rigs and tones section covered 5 Minutes Alone on a Mark III and I thought it sounded (kinda) close.Linked here.

Heres one of his VDOP rig.

Facelift said:
He has been known to borrow or rent Marshall cabs way back in the day but never used a Marshall head live.

FWIW - Marshalls...

Facelift is right on the money with his original reply, those are the exact pieces of gear and settings he used. I had a book called Riffer Madness that has a bunch of things written by Dime about his sound and he mentions how he specifically uses the 6 band eq (as Facelift said) and stresses how it must be that particular blue one.

Although it's all in the hands, Dime would sound good thru any amp, check how it buzzes and then needs a good kick to work again lol

Don't forget to tune down a quarter step too eh! 15 cents if I'm not mistaken...

I also read somewhere that it was Vinny who actually got Dime "his sound" by messing around plugging all sorts of pedals/gear together in different order and f*n with the EQ and all...Read that once.
#2121313 said:
Facelift said:
He has been known to borrow or rent Marshall cabs way back in the day but never used a Marshall head live.

FWIW - Marshalls...

If you notice, the heads arent turned on. Those were rented. Grady Champion which was his guitar tech at the time said personally that the only time there were ever Marshalls on stage was when they were rented. Besides, theres no Marshall in the world that sounds like the tone in that video.

As for the tuning, its down 60 cents. Or you can tune it down 1 half step and then back up 40 cents.
Facelift said:
#2121313 said:
Facelift said:
He has been known to borrow or rent Marshall cabs way back in the day but never used a Marshall head live.

FWIW - Marshalls...

If you notice, the heads arent turned on. Those were rented. Grady Champion which was his guitar tech at the time said personally that the only time there were ever Marshalls on stage was when they were rented. Besides, theres no Marshall in the world that sounds like the tone in that video.

As for the tuning, its down 60 cents. Or you can tune it down 1 half step and then back up 40 cents.

Your right, lol, I never noticed they weren't powerd on, I remember that clip from the Pantera Home Videos they released...Good eye. Definitly doesn't sound like a Marshall but I wasn't sure if it was modded and or had some kind of boost in front, eq etc...

Hey about that tuning, could you better describe how I'd get the tuning of CFH using this tuner:

I've tried a bunch of times but always end up off somehow...

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