How do I date my Subway Rocket?

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Mar 13, 2006
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I picked up a killer little Subway Rocket (non-reverb) and was wondering how to find out when it was made. Is there a website or someplace that I can find out by the serial number perhaps?
nah, you guys both have it wrong. turn her on and let her warm up for a bit, and as long as she's up for it, tie her down and slam 'er frontend with the hottest...output you can muster. don't play her against the wall though, cause she might get TOO hot..
Gosh golly gee willikers guy's, ya'll beat me to the "punny" replies :oops:....... So I'll offer some other advise.

You might call Boogie and give them the serial number, they're really pretty great at helping people. Also, if you're brave enough to take the chassis out, my Tremoverb had a date on the inside somewhere but I'm not sure where though since it was my repair man that said he seen the date when he was fixing a LDR (diode) inside of it last year.
OK, I do a lot of vintage amp repair and restoration so I'll pull the chassis and take a look. Thanks for that bit of info, and to you others... well I should know better by now to ask a question like that... :roll:
ahh we're just tryin to have a bit of fun. its all serious and buisness on this board...doenst usually happen that we give useless advice.

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