Ebay experience ??

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Has anyone bought a triaxis off ebay? I was thinking of getting one. Instead of paying $4500 for a new one I could pick up a used one for around $1500 to $1800 from ebay. (those are australian dollars)

I've never bought off ebay before, so I was wondering if anyone would like to share any experiences good or bad ?? Anything I have to look out for?

Also what version is the best... Most seem to be v2.0 I think.

I bought an amp off of E-bay. It worked out ok. There are a couple of things that I'd watch out for. Shipping is one. Make sure that it's packed correctly with tubes packed separately. Also, try to talk to the seller and if he/she insists on using those styrofoam peanuts, make sure that the unit is in a box within a box. Also, you are best protected when using Pay Pal. It is a safer transaction. A friend of mine was buying a Chapman Stick, (Why I'll never fully understand), but there were a couple of them being offered out of the UK, which were frauds. So, if the seller is looking for a money order, that's a little more risky to you.

Make sure that all of your questions are answered about the unit. If there is anything in the description that isn't answered, don't be afraid to ask the seller a question. Also, look at shipping costs carefully. Best of luck!
I have now bought two amps on ebay.

The first was a Mesa Nomad 55. That got lost/stolen in the mail and was never found. Fortunately, Paypal covered me and I got my cash back and dude who sold it got his money back from the mail insurance. Had to wait close to a month and a half to get everything straightened out.

The second was my Formula Pre and 20/20. That went smooth with no problems. One of the JJ EL84's got cracked in shipping...grrrrr.....but other than that, all was good. Using EH brand now anyway.

In conclusion.........it's a crap shoot.

1) Learn as much as you can about ebay and the scams and bad things that go on so you can recognize them when you see them.

2) Ask alot of questions about the things you are buying to make sure you are getting exactly what you think your getting.

3) be very careful on how you pay for your items. Understand how the insurance and different coverages work before you commit to anything.

4) Use common Sense.....if something looks to good to be true...normally it is.

All my Boogie gear has come from eBay both here (UK) and in the States, but mostly from the States. That’s four Mk series combos, one extension cabinet, two pre-amps, one power amp and various footswitches and rack gear. All good experiences except for the TriAxis, which took 6 months to get shipped over to the UK. The guy was taken into hospital shortly after the transactions took place :? Anyway, it did eventually arrive. If you think a fraud has taken place, contact eBay and PayPal immediately as they have a limited time period in which to make a claim.
Remember if you are buying from the States, the equipment is rated for 110V, I think Australia like the UK uses 240V. However step down transformers are readily available and the TriAxis only pulls about 45W.
Good luck,
I bought my Triaxis and 2:ninety on EBAY. had them shipped to South Africa and the transformers swopped out by a local tech.
No problems at all.
I bought my boogie head dual chan triple rec off ebay as well as my 4X12 cabinet, just make sure the seller has a good positive percentage and has sold a lot of items
I got all my rig on ebay, quad pre, 20/20 and quadbox (from different sellers). no problems whatsoever. as others have stated it is a gamble on the seller providing acurate info. Be wary of sellers charging rediculous shipping!
I never buy from anyone with negative feedback or no feedback! good luck.
I've bought a TriAxis and a Quad Preamp, plus a lot more stuff on eBay and never experienced problems of any kind. Perhaps I've just been lucky, but I think that being a little careful it's not difficult to make good deals with it.
Bought my 2:90 and Triaxis (from the same guy) from eBay. Units were located in California, and I am in Montreal, Canada, I guess it should be around 3000 miles (I'm propbably wrong) in distance. Used UPS for shipping. Seller packed the amp and the preamp separately in a secure way. Tubes were all installed in place in their sockets in the amp and preamp. Believe it or not, not a broken tube. I opened the boxes, plugged the units and everything went fine. UPS costs a little more, but it got to my home safe and perfect. Maybe I'm lucky but I've been buying lots of stuff over eBay and never got scammed, and I'm not taking about $4.50 things, I mean expensive stuff (guitars, amps,etc.). One dude mentionned to use Paypal, I couldn't agree more, it's a great protection.
I saw a BRAND NEW Triaxis at GC in Phoenix, AZ for $699!!!! I nearly lost my mind, and thought of buying it just to sell. Might be worth the phone call...