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francric said:
I had a custom pair made at a local hearing place for about $125 with the 15db reduction, interchangeable.........I also wear them when I ride my Harley.

yeah, riding I have noticed that wind can be very disturbing. I can remember a ride home from work where it killed my ears.... (must have been an anomily of worst conditions etc) At times speeding up just a few miles per hour has lowered the noise. Nice suggestion. I will ride with them but still wish to hear car horns etc. so maybe ..."half in".
They are not plugs so I can still hear traffic...............they just cut down on wind slapping, pipes, horns, ambulances.....you get the picture.
I just got these a couple months ago:

I started with thes ones:

They have a flatter attenuation than foam plugs... but I still wasn't satisfied. The new ones are probably the best $150 I've spent in a long time. The actual mold is tuned to resonate like your ear canal and they are very comfortable. They take some time to get used to... but rehearsals and gigs and MUCH more enjoyable now less fatiguing. I highly recommend them. Put them in a little while before you start playing and they will sound more natural when you start. Just remember you talk louder with them in! I can't comment on how these would work if you are a singer.

Someday I'll invest in an in ear monitor system (IEM) which is the best.... but significantly more expensive. I actually purchased a used Shure PSM400 system off ebay some months back but sold it again after figuring out how much more equipment my band would need to purchase to get them up and running effectively. Things like seperate aux send mixes for each band member and stuff like that.
prskier17 said:
I just got these a couple months ago:

I started with thes ones:

They have a flatter attenuation than foam plugs... but I still wasn't satisfied. The new ones are probably the best $150 I've spent in a long time. The actual mold is tuned to resonate like your ear canal and they are very comfortable. They take some time to get used to... but rehearsals and gigs and MUCH more enjoyable now less fatiguing. I highly recommend them. Put them in a little while before you start playing and they will sound more natural when you start. Just remember you talk louder with them in! I can't comment on how these would work if you are a singer.

Someday I'll invest in an in ear monitor system (IEM) which is the best.... but significantly more expensive. I actually purchased a used Shure PSM400 system off ebay some months back but sold it again after figuring out how much more equipment my band would need to purchase to get them up and running effectively. Things like seperate aux send mixes for each band member and stuff like that.

just a warning... the ear buds that come with the psm400 have the same ends as my shure se110s. if you read the story i posted above, beware because the ends like to come off and stay in your ear. now its not a problem when your not on a plane and have a pair of tweezers handy, but its just a fair warning. its ashame too because those shure se110s sound awesome
My biggest problem with ear plugs is not hearing my guitar, but being able to sing in key and hearing anything else when I start singing.
i use those interchangeable one's. Alpine's i think they are called. They are little pricey but worth every dollar. Really good ear plugs. They have a 15 db and a 25 db.

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