Drinks anyone?

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Beer: Trois Pistoles by Unibroue (Canada) They do Belgian style better than Belgiums! I used to drink all the "official" belgium Trappist monk beers, but this brew is absolutely phenomenal... 8)

Scotch: Jameson 12 year old or 18 old when I can afford it.
So many choices...

I guess I drank Jack/Jim (preferably Jack) mostly then with some rums, vodkas and tequilas following close behind. I never was a fan of gin. I preferred straight bourbon to scotch, irish, or canadian. Beer on the other hand went in cycles. Bud long necks were always a safe choice. I like Guinness as a morning or social nursing beer. Coors light was en vogue for a while. So were the Mexican beers. Micro brews were ok but I got tired of having to decide from the descriptions all the time. German Beers were alright too. I never was a fan of malt liquor. The ice beers came in towards the end of my recreational drinking. Bock beers are kind of nice once in a while.
Man there are some good suggestions on here I should try out!

Since I'm still in college (go gators!), I'll give you guys some shots that will make you smile, and then make you fall down about 10 minutes later. I suggest all of these, but only take one if you're not looking to have the wife drive you home!

Liquid Cocaine: jager, rumpleminz, and goldschlager
Kamikaze: lemon juice, triple sec, vodka
Flaming Dr Pepper: 151 burned on top of amaretto and something else
B69: amaretto, baileys, kahlua
Cement Mixer: 151, kahlua, baileys

For beer, besides the obvious choices, I like New Castle Ale and Yuengling. There's a couple of bars in town with 100 international beers...I got to hit those up.
ursinus said:
Unibroue (Canada)
+1 but I love the La Fin Du Monde, Don De Dieu, and Maudite

and Johnny Walker Black Label :D

Red Label makes me :twisted:

Blue Label makes me :cry: cause I can't afford it
We were beer bonging Johnny Walker about 20 years ago. That was a crazy time. Living in absolute excess....
I'm still pretty young so i'm gonna have to go with the cheap stuff. anything in a 30 and canadian LTD with the occasional corbies
Elpelotero said:
...Since I'm still in college (go gators!)..
...I like New Castle Ale and Yuengling. There's a couple of bars in town with 100 international beers...I got to hit those up.

Now you know I'm not going to let a post go buy with a go gators! (although deserved) without a GO BUCKS on here! I thought Yuengling was a New York/New Jersey/PA thing. The force is strong with you, but you are not a Jedi yet!

Don's flame the Dr. Pepper it burns off the Alchohol and wrecks the buzz.

My Fav's: Kentucky Bourbon and water, JW Dundees Honey Brown.

Oh yeah, incase I forgot GO BUCKS! :p
At about 12 shots per go you couldn't do too many over the course of the night or it would put puke on your chest between the hair.

That was a period when we would drink Long Island Ice Teas as chasers. A mixed drink meant you were taking it easy even though you still were getting hammered. Beer was like drinking soda. There was so much going on and being drank/used at that point that some of the memories from that period are hazy at best. I still have conversations with friends where funny sh!t is revealed. I swear that if we had been even remotely reasonable with our dough back then we would all be in better shape financially today. We probably would also not have done half of the stupid things we did.

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