Boss GT-3 And a Triple Recto

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Well-known member
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Concord, NC
Has anyone ever messed with this unit and a Rectifier? I was wondering if it would sound decent, just using the unit for effects, not really into the amp modeling, because I have the need to model it. Any input would be great because I have a friend who is wanting to get rid of his for a decent price, and he's offered it to me first. Thanks guys

The gt-3 i have never played around with, but the gt-8 and the triple make a great combo. Even with the triple on clean, and using the amp modeling, I have gotten some sick tones (especially if you want tones that the triple cant nail so well, such as marshall stuff)

The FX are okay, but if you are solely looking for FX, get a gmajor. You wont be disappointed.
Thanks man, I appreciate the reply. Well, as of now, funds are a little tight, and I think i'm going to be able to get this gt-3 for really cheap, so, I'll mess with it, and if it doesn't work, i'll still use it for practicing at school. I'll probably look into the G-Major eventually, looks really nice, but right now I can't afford it and a rack.


I've been using my GT3 now for 5 or so years now. I've had Boogies for many more years than that so I never even bothered with the modeling (which doesn't stink, but is completely average ...which I guess means it kinda stinks :) ). But it does work well for stomp-box usage. I set it up for "manual" which means that simplifies the unit to 6 pedals (all user definable, of course), and it works great for what I want ...a straightforward fx unit for chorus, delay, vol boost, and the like. Oh, and the volume pedal (that's the expression pedal, that is) is excellent.

Drawbacks: cumbersome "old school" menu scrolling and buttons which is slower to use than a true fx box with knobs. Quite a few of the fx are just cheesy and useless. And a few could use a few more parameters. Oh, my fx loop hated it ...better kept in the guitar signal path.

Plusses: quiet, doesn't suck away your core tone, straight forward package that keeps all your "pedals" in one tidy package. The "basic" fx like chorus, delay, OD, etc are all standard boss quality and tone ...that's great so long as you don't hate boss units. And you can stack fx to your heart's desire.

These aren't worth much on the market so don't pay a lot, but well worth it if you get a good deal and don't want to get fancy with it. I feel no need to sell mine if that tells you anything :)

I am currently running my 3-channel DR with a GT-8 and am extremely happy with the setup. Before the GT-8 I have had the GT-6, GT-5 and GT-3, and I think the base sound from all these is the same.

I'm using the EQ and the compressor to create sparkling, punchy cleans that noone will believe can come from a 3-channel DR. Then I use the EQ and preamp/overdrive to boost, and the noise gate to silence, channel 2 and 3 to dead quiet.

I have a separate delay pedal in the loop instead of using the 4-cable method. I found this to be difficult to set up right without using level meters etc.

The key to tone I believe is to work with the EQ and preamp to condition the input of the DR. Obviously this can be done with simpler or other pedals too.
thanks for the reply dos, I appreciate it. I'm going to buy it from him this week, and hope to have it in the mail by maybe sat.

I have a GT8 and I've used GT3 and GT6 in the past. The effects on all these units are as good as the Boss individual pedals (their best ones). You'll get decent effects from the GT3 just like you do with Boss pedals but they get much better and more versatile as you go up to GT6 and then the GT8 is almost unlimited.

I don't agree that the preamps in these 3 units are the same. There's sizable steps up in options & quality between the 3 units IMHO. And then another sizable step between the GT8 preamps and any Mesa amp. I never use the raw GT8 preamps with my Mesa 5:50. It's very good with a Harmonic Converger in the Loop but still not as good as thru the amp direct. The GTX's are great effects units but are not user friendly. If you need help with it I highly recommend the BossGTCentral Forum. Great bunch of musos there who'll assist with good advice :D

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