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Well he got into a conflict with some of the guys on this board and is gone now. He erased a lot of his posts before he left.
That is a shame that he left. He had some really good insight and information about the amps.

Not to gossip but... what exactly was the issue that started all of this?
Russ said:
That is a shame that he left. He had some really good insight and information about the amps.

Not to gossip but... what exactly was the issue that started all of this?
We should start a thread and tell him to come back, that a big loss, Boogiebabies know what is talking about that why now some question will stay with no real answer. A shame you say
He left? Why did he leave?!

That man has more Mesa/Boogie knowledge than I care to even comprehend. For the love of god, he had to be the most knowleagable member of the board, and one of the Keystones to this arch!

What was the argument about? ::Drama::

There was a super long post where he typed up a big good bye and explained some of the reasons why he is leaving, but I can't seem to find it
As I remember it was about some mod that boogiebabie came up with for the markIIC (I think) The part that got me was that he left and he said now you'll have to pay for my mod. It looked like he was trying to drum up business for a mod that he has. I still think boogiebaby might still be here under another name. It's a shame that he left but he did seem to have an agenda with the whole drama thing and buy my mod. At one point his wife posted a defense for her man, and said we didn't deserve him on this forum. the wife thing was weird, it sounded like the boogiebaby was crying to his wife, about what jerks we are here, and so she posted to defend her hubby (to weird) my wife doesn't even know what a Boogie amp is. There's a guy here on the forum who knows a ton about boogie and even builds amps, he goes by the user name of stokes. he's the only one who helped me out when I wanted to add a bias pot to my MKIV. He also sent me pictures and a part for nothing. Boogiebaby never did anything bad to me and I wish him all the best but for him to leave and erase all his posts was over the top IMHO. You don't need a boogiebaby when you people like Stokes and others on this forum IMHO. Sorry if you think I'm out of line with this, I am new here, but in the end i think boogiebabie was trying to make money on a mod that he came up with. I'm sure boogiebaby will respond to this post and give us his side. Boogiebaby are you out there?
he got upset because apparently a brand new user came in and said something to tick him off. He was probably offended because this person seemed to be discrediting his knowledge. They got into a long argument and at the end he said he was leaving, mostly because he was upset and because he felt he had milked everything he could out of this forum and wanted to concentrate on other things. The posts where all this went down have since been deleted, as they probably should have. The mod in question is the Mark2C+ high gain mod that metallica and Petrucci use. Mesa has never and will never perform this mod to anyone, but BB apparently found out how to do it and wants to start selling it.
:shock: What a disapointement, i didn't knew of the leaving of BoogieBabies, well... BoogieBabies was The Man, he has helped me a lot, and others Forumers too, his knowledge about Mesa Amps was endless, and i'm sorry to disagree with you jamme61 but i consider a privilege to have a man like him on this board, that man knew what he talked about and was so helpfull here. I totally respect his decision... we have a big loss here now that you've gone BoogieBabies, i miss you Bro and i really want you to come back if it's possible, anyway, thanks for all !!!
Antoine said:
:shock: What a disapointement, i didn't knew of the leaving of BoogieBabies, well... BoogieBabies was The Man, he has helped me a lot, and others Forumers too, his knowledge about Mesa Amps was endless, and i'm sorry to disagree with you jamme61 but i consider a privilege to have a man like him on this board, that man knew what he talked about and was so helpfull here. I totally respect his decision... we have a big loss here now that you've gone BoogieBabies, i miss you Bro and i really want you to come back if it's possible, anyway, thanks for all !!!

+1 on the above, the man was a legend who spoke a lot of truth, for me, with out BB, this forum is useless,
He was the one who helped me fix my '78 Boogie fetron problem. I only got a little help from Mesa ... BB helped me get it repaired. A shame he is gone.
I dont really think, even If he acted poorly one time (which I doubt!), that all the help he did, and all of the time he spent helping people is now discredited.

I did not say he was THE highest authority her on the Board. I said he was one of the highest. In my opinion, no one has touched him, in basic knowledge, amount of posts to help other members, and in depth knowledge. Maybe Stokes does know more - but I have not seen him post it as much.

(No Offense intended to Stokes. Just my Perspective. I value your knowledge also.)

I guess I cannot expect BB to come back. So I would Like to thank him for all the knowledge he shared with me. He helped me EQ the markIV when I first got it, Helped me get through my first power tube failure, and helped me with speaker choices.

Thank you BoogieBabies, and good luck in future endeavors.
Boogiebabies is more than welcome to come back and rejoins us if he so chooses. I was very apperciative of his knowledge. Being a tech myself, I learned a few things from him and I'm sure he enlightened several more folks on here as well.

I would also urge everyone here to respect his decision and not start another flame war about the subject. I'm sure i'm preaching to the choir here...but there are those few that linger in the back pews.
I did not say he was THE highest authority her on the Board. I said he was one of the highest. In my opinion, no one has touched him, in basic knowledge, amount of posts to help other members, and in depth knowledge. Maybe Stokes does know more - but I have not seen him post it as much.

Just to set it straight,I never claimed to know more than he or anybody else for that matter.I am far from an expert on Boogies per se,I know about tube amps,having been involved in guitar and amp repair for over 30 years.I offer help when I can.I was dragged into that b.s. by Bbabies. jamme61,I appreciate your kind words,but guys, I would appreciate it if you didnt drag my name into threads like this.This is supposed to be a vintage amp forum, not a who posted more than who contest,take this crap over to that "other" forum.

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