anyone got DIY thiele cab pics? plans?

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an untuned enclosure? i don't think that there's such a thing. that's like an untuned note, what is that? the only other time i have heard something like that is when i read about ear candy cabs. apparently they're tuned "wide open". again, what is that?
In detuned cabs the port is not 'tuned' to a specific frequency (as most hi-fi and bass reflex cabs are) but instead lets out a wider range of frequencies. Sort of like having a larger Q and lower peak for the ported frequencies. As I understand it, tuned cabs have ports with specific volumes to accentuate specific narrow frequencies.
that sounds like pure bs to me. kinda like having a trumpet playing more than one note at a time. every enclosure is tuned to something. the "right" tuning, from an audiophile standpoint, will give the widest range of flat response or a peak at a desired response. just depends on what you're going for. for instance, your 212 sealed enclosure with one speaker removed to become the "port". with an eminence delta (just for comparison, cause i already have the specs loaded) a 4 cubic foot enclosure (net) will have a tuning of around 92hz with the empty driver hole. this puts a peak of about 8db right around 100hz. just making the port larger doesn't mean it is able to accomodate mutiple tunings. this particular speaker would probably sound horrible in an enclosure like that. it is concievable that some speaker out there would thrive in an enclosure like this but that would just be blind luck. i am still waiting to hear the science behind this, allthough your explanation of his theories might make sense to someone with little knowledge of speaker design, to me it sounds like someone saying if you blow into a real big beer bottle you can get two notes at the same time. i'm not trying to be difficult cause i still want to give this guy the benifit of the doubt. could you be a little more specific about his theory behind this. maby you're just explaining it a little off, and with more information it will make sense to me.
Boogafunk, I truly do know very little about speaker design so my explanation is probably way off. If you have anything to do with building cabs, I'd suggest picking up a copy of the booklet (I think I got mine for under 10 bucks from Elderly). The over-all dimensions of my 1X10 are 24X16X15.5".
trickyrick said:
gts said:
trickyrick said:
I am still waiting on ampwares for my S%&@. New grill cloth and handle. I called him early in the week and he said he shipped it last Friday. It's now Friday and I still have not gotten it. PA to VA is only a short distance. I am suprised I even got through to him. Oh well.


Were you trying to match Mesa grille clothe?
If so when it shows up let me know if it is a match.
and which style model # grille clothe you ordered?

Sure dude, it is the "Marshall" Clothe which looks like the mesa jute. The problem is I am not really trusting this guy right now. I have researched problems with Ampwares and there are a bunch of hits. Nearly everyone has complained about him. I am going to call again today and hope his mailbox isn't full and that he answers the phone because he certainly doesn't reply to e-mails. I will let you know.

Most complaint I read about Ampware is they don't answered e-mails, phone # and customers' order takes too long, 2 weeks.

I've done business a few times with them, I got all my orders, I did have to wait and 2 weeks by today's standard is a long time. But I can't find anyone else with competitive prices. A means there's a few places that could compete with them on some items but not all. So I pretty much surrender the idea of getting my items prompt from Ampware.

Post us on this Modern Marshall grill if its like MESA Jute grill. CudBucket claims it is. Just need a confirmation.

Oh yeah, Part-is-Parts has Marshall grill for less but I'm not sure if its MESA Jute grill.
RR said:
trickyrick said:
gts said:

Were you trying to match Mesa grille clothe?
If so when it shows up let me know if it is a match.
and which style model # grille clothe you ordered?

Sure dude, it is the "Marshall" Clothe which looks like the mesa jute. The problem is I am not really trusting this guy right now. I have researched problems with Ampwares and there are a bunch of hits. Nearly everyone has complained about him. I am going to call again today and hope his mailbox isn't full and that he answers the phone because he certainly doesn't reply to e-mails. I will let you know.

Most complaint I read about Ampware is they don't answered e-mails, phone # and customers' order takes too long, 2 weeks.

I've done business a few times with them, I got all my orders, I did have to wait and 2 weeks by today's standard is a long time. But I can't find anyone else with competitive prices. A means there's a few places that could compete with them on some items but not all. So I pretty much surrender the idea of getting my items prompt from Ampware.

Post us on this Modern Marshall grill if its like MESA Jute grill. CudBucket claims it is. Just need a confirmation.

Oh yeah, Part-is-Parts has Marshall grill for less but I'm not sure if its MESA Jute grill.

I got the shipment yesterday!!! My problem with the guy is, that he told me he shipped the stuff out on the 6th of October. I placed the order on the 26th of September. I spoke with him twice, thats after getting a full message inbox alert 3 times. The ship date on the package was 10/12. I never really thought he was being truthful with me, if he just told me he was swammped and couldn't get it out yet, I would have been more cool with that then lying. Either way, it's done the stuff came undamaged and it looks sweet.

The grill cloth is very much like the Mesa Grill cloth. The difference is that the weave is smaller. I think it is jute as well or at least some organic material but not as thick as the mesa stuff. The pattern is the same just smaller. It is easy to work. I sprayed my grill frame with 3M super 77 and laid it on the grill cloth while still wet. I worker the cloth into the glue and let it set up with some weight on it for 15 minutes. I carfully sprayed the sides of the frame and folded over and stapled the sides and the result was a tight grill cloth. I will take a couple of pics and post them when i get a chance. I also purchased the Ampeg style handle which is the same as the Mesa one and bolted that sucker on as well. I love the sound of this cabinet, even at low volumes. It totaly changes the tone of the amp for the better. It gives it a much needed low register, takes a lot of the thinness right out and gives it a more modern tone ( with a little more EQ thrown in of course ) This is the rig for me. I don't see myself changing anytime soon or ever for that matter. I get the sound of my old MKIIC as well as many other tones. If I need a rectifier sound I can get it from my GT-6 on the clean channel. Life is good.
Thanks trickyrick on the update.

You do realize that VibroWorld (I think) had the exact MESA Jute grill but at $55 a yard (31" width[?]) that is highway robbery.

I may go with Ampware's Modern Marshall. Smaller checker and not as durable is fine with me.

if you build more enclosures in the future besides Ampware, check out

Parts Express
Mojo Music Supply
Part is Part (Genuine Marshall hardware)
Anvil / Session type hardware: Trans Continental Hardware
RR said:
You do realize that VibroWorld (I think) had the exact MESA Jute grill but at $55 a yard (31" width[?]) that is highway robbery.

If you "add to cart" you'll see it's $34.60 with the discount.

lento said:
RR said:
You do realize that VibroWorld (I think) had the exact MESA Jute grill but at $55 a yard (31" width[?]) that is highway robbery.

If you "add to cart" you'll see it's $34.60 with the discount.

Gosh, I'm here bashing VibroWorld now you tell me this ... :?
Thanks Lyn for the insides. Maybe I'll be purchasing from them after all. :D

I'll check it out, but if its one of those "quantity thing" and just want enough material for just say a 1-12" then maybe its not feasible but then again if you are building a few enclosures ...
I know it's been awhile, but I wanted to follow up on my version of a widebody Thiele.

To recap, I copied Trickyrick's design using the dummy wall. I also used a Eminence Delta Pro instead of an EV, based on some reviews I read that said the Eminence didn't have such a sharp high end.

Anyway, the cab is done (not tolexed yet) and sounds amazing. I've a/b'd it a lot with my Carvin 4x12 and it's very close in bass response. The Eminence has a lot smoother sound than the Carvin, which I really like.

Also, tonight I finally got some staples and added the poly dampening material. Big difference! The cab has a much tighter sound and lost some of the "ring" that it had.

Mixing the Thiele with the combo's C90 isn't bad, but the c90 has just too much midrange "honk" for me. I'm not sure if it's the speaker or the open back combo cab. And the compact look of the Thiele and small head appeals to me for some reason.

All in all, it was a fun successful experiment. I'm debating now whether to buy tolex or try and build a nice hardwood head and cabinet. Part of me also wants to try the correct EV in there, but the Delta does sound nice so I'm not sure I'll bother.

Or, I could buy an EV and build 2 hardwood Thieles! Ugh, when will it end!

Anway, thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and ideas. I would have never have tried it without reading about it here.

I just realized that the Thiele plans for the TL806 box don't specify dimensions for the internal bracing. I believe there are 10 pieces for this. Does anyone know how long and wide they should be? I'd like to stick with the internal bracing since it effects the internal volume of the box and I'd like to stick to those plans.


I ordered from them online. One return email when I ordered (automatic?). then nothing... no parts, no email, they don't answer the phone, nothing... oh, except a debit on my credit card... almost 2 weeks later now (they say 24-48hrs on the site). If I don't hear from them in a week, I send email to the PA bbb and attorney general... for a biz, they suck.
Ok, I am going to apologize in advance for the thread necromancy here.
I don't know how things work here but I am assuming people would not appreciate me creating a new thread on a topic that already exists.

I happened upon this forum when googling "Thiele Cab design". The short version of my story is that I've been trying to neuter my Dual Rec to 'downside' the monstrous tone. I'm only doing this because I really enjoy having a massive sound in volume sensitive contexts i.e. playing for people who just can't deal with the fact that guitars are stinking LOUD!

The long version was that an amp builder here in the great white north (Gar Gilles of Garnet Amps) recommended that instead of buying a little class A amp, I use Yellow Jackets on my Dual Rectifier. As most of you know, tubes work on push pull circuits so you can technically yank out a rectifier tube and the inside or outside pair of the power tubes in a recto to run it at half power. With two yellow jackets, you can effectively downsize the amp to a 15 watt "Class A" circuit and run it with no averse affect to the amp or tubes, provided you rematch speaker load so the amp is properly loaded. (8 ohm output from amp has to be matched with 16 ohms of resistance for a correct match instead of 8 as it would be with four power tubes)
When I first tried this mod, my head didn't have enough power to drive my Standard Rectocab. Basically, it sounds closed and constipated because there isn't enough current for the speakers to respond correctly to the signal. I kind of put the yellow jackets away and didn't really use them again. One day, I had the head down at a local guitar store and for whatever reason, the yellow jackets were in it. The sales dude wanted to know what the red things in my amp did so I showed him. I plugged into a Marshall 1960AX cab and my jaw hit the floor. The looser speakers sounded incredible when pushed by the twin el84 tubes! I then bought my friend's PEAVEY 1 x 12 and swapped the sheffield speaker for a Celestion G12m - 25. It just didn't sound the same as the 4 x 12. It was very tinny with an annoying frequency peak in the low treble area. I've put up with this thing for awhile, convinced that you NEED a 4 x 12 to have a huge sound, but my brother suggested that maybe the Peavey 1 x 12 is what sucks (duh) and that I should do a cab build project. He told me I should try a bunch of different cabs and then 'reverse engineer' the one I like the best.
Since then I tested a few 1 x 12s and 2 x 12s and I decided I really like the Dr Z 2 x 12 Theile cab which is appropriately christened "Z Best Cab." I managed to find the dimensions of the 2 x 12 online but I only realized when I saw a picture of the cab opened from the back that it was ported at the front and it had a shelf under the baffle. I'm trying to come up with some plans to build a similar speaker enclosure but I really don't know where to start. Dr Z's cab has a Celestion v30 and G12H - 30 (heritage greenback) but I want to use a G12m heritage paired with the v30 instead. (I know most people in this thread dislike Celestions but I happen to like them. Preference and all that)

I'm wondering if anyone would mind to provide a bit of guidance here?
i)Basically, I want to know how large the port should be i.e. height and length of the shelving in relation to the rest of the interior. I'm assuming the dimensions of the cab should work and I should be able to figure out the size of the baffle and internal volume based on the dimensions given if I assume the cab is built with 3/4 inch ply. (Keep in mind that the G12H has a more pronounced bass response than a G12m) There are some people here that really understand well how Thiele principles work so I'm hoping that this knowledge can help clarify some design specifications. I understand the concepts but I don't get the math at this point.

ii)I haven't ever built a cab before so one picture of the back of a cabinet with the cover off doesn't give me the best idea of where to start. I know I need to reinforce the box and that the back cover should fit snugly and screw into the bracing. I also know that the baffle must secure to something. In this case, the port is at the bottom of the cab when placed on the wide side. There are two crossbeams made from plywood, the shelf rests on this but doesn't extend to the back of the cab like the crossbeams do. The baffle is at the front of the cab and is situated above the shelf. What I want to know is what goes in front of the baffle? Is that more structural support? Is that what the baffle mounts onto? (I PM someone the picture but I'm leery to post it here since it is not of my cab since I do not own a Dr Z cab)

iii) Lastly, I know a grillscreen mounts on a separate frame. I am not sure of how to mount this and secure it onto the cab. I wish to install it with piping but I don't know quite where to begin. I am going to partially disassemble my 4 x 12 to see how Mesa approaches the build process but any input here will help me greatly.

The wood I'll be using is high grade maple plywood without any knots in it. It is ideal for making kitchen cupboards and won't warp. It also will look fantastic stained. Since my father in law is a carpenter, the build quality will be fine. I just have to design the cab appropriately ahead of time."The "Z Best"
The Z Best 2x12 closed back cab is an animal all its own. We have utilized a Theile Ported design which allows us to dial in the full frequency range of the guitar. Low end is determined by the port thickness, Mid response by the shelf depth, and Top end by choice of speakers. Placed vertically, the Z Best delivers a tuned focused sound. yet has the airy qualities associated with open back cabs. When placed horizontally, you pick a bit more low end as the port is then coupled with the floor. This is a long throw cabinet that will get the sound to the back of the room. Standard speaker configuration is a Celestion Vintage 30 and Celestion G12H30. Other Celestion speakers are available on request.

Weight: 60 lbs Dimensions: 28 ¼” H, 19 ¼” W, 13 ¾” D"
since someone else revived the thread ... i have a question or two ...

first, honestly, if you have the skill level of a novice and built this - what tools did you use ?

second, does anyone have a preference for the actual wood ? I assume plywood since i'm not Bill Gates-rich, but did you use pine or something else ?

from a project perspective - how long did it take ? i am famous for slight AD&D when it comes to projects - if i allocate the correct time i can do it, but if i think it will take 4 hours and i'm not done in 4 hours, i may NEVER finish ...

thanks in advance.
gts said:
Read the post above yours. It has a link to the EV Thiele plans.
You want the T806 plans.
Just build a 2x12 version of this.

Since your "father in law is a carpenter, the build quality will be fine" just give him the plans. He'll know what to do. Just tell him you want a 2x12 version of the above plans. Again, he should be able to figure out what to do.
For an example look in this thread for pics of a 2x12 Thiele that someone had made:

Ok, so what you're saying is that if I want to build a 2 x 12 cabinet I can double the width of the EV Build plans and the volume calculations will all work out fine?
So the build project is underway. We have the basic box finished so we only need to cut and install the baffle as well as fit the back panel. We did a brown wood stain finish and will use all black hardware, black piping, and a black and brown grille on the front. I have pictures so I'll upload them later and start a thread in the 'rig and tone' section of the forum here. The design is a double theile in one box with the center wall. We used 11 ply birch for the outside, maple for the bracing and the baffle is oak.

I'm working on converting my MKIV combo to a head/cab setup. My Dad loves wood projects, and he built me the head shell. I gave him some pictures and dimensions and he sent me the raw wood shell, and I covered it with Tolex. I'm not really going for perfect factory reproduction, just something that looks decent and functions as I want. As such, it's an approximation dimensionally.

I have a background in car audio fabrication, so I looked forward to building the Thiele myself. With the drawing provided, it was pretty easy. I did, however, change the exterior dimensions just a little to make it match the width of the head shell. I adjusted the other dimensions accordingly so that the internal volume would remain correct. In the car audio days we made a huge deal of making sure everything sealed up drum tight, and old habits die hard, so I didn't make the back removable. I just finished up the Thiele with the EVM 12L out of the combo, and as you can see I am still working on the head shell. I'm waiting on the corners and handle, and have to finish the grille piece.


This looks awesome! DYI projects are fun and so rewarding because of all the customization options. Man, I just picked up my speakers and hardware. Man, I'm SO PUMPED about getting everything put together now! The grill cloth looks amazing as does the piping. I'm not sure I totally dig the recessed metal flip handles for the side. They may be necessary since this cab is going to be HEAVY! (It is very solid without the speakers) I've got a handle for the top but I'm wondering if just that will be sufficient. Decisions, decisions!

Oh, I have a question: When mounting a speaker to the baffle from the front, is there some sort of a gasket to go between the metal basket and the wood from the baffle!?
some speakers (like the Eminence Governor) come with gaskets on both sides of the basket...


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