Amp decision

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Aug 6, 2008
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Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but i have been looking to get a boogie, but i cannot decide which would be best for me. I realize that trying them out will be the best way, but i am going to have a hard time finding all of the amps i wish to try out, so if i can eliminate one ahead of time, this is good news.

Alright, so the amps i am looking at are, an F-50, Rectoverb, and a Dual Caliber amp. I'm really thinking i want a combo because of the portability to avoid bringing a cab with, and storage issues, but at the same time there is the open back combo issue of not having as tight of bass.
Basically, what i want in an amp, is a tight low end with a fair amount of gain. I am by no means a br00talz player. I'm not into screaming, and chugging 8 string guitars. However, i would like the amp to be able to handle a 7 string if at any time i get one, but if it can't, it's not the end of the world for me. I'm much more of a "hard rock" player here. Actually, to be more accurate, i play more classic rock-ish things than anything, but i NEED more gain than my current amp can supply. (traynor ycv50) I've just grown a bit bored of the marshall that my amp supplies, and the low end is lacking quite a fair bit. Now, what i EXPECT out of the amp: It has to have a descently tight low end. I dont like hitting the E5 and hearing flub. Something that will tighten up with palm mutes, if you catch my drift. I'm not going to absolutely need a ton of gain, but if it can supply i'm willing. It also needs to be able to give me descent rock tones. Mid gain is a very important thing for me. I'm not looking to recreate the tones, but atleast be able to sound good playing things like skynyrd, Rush, and GNR-ish tones. I'm aware that there is some marshalls at work, and i'm not expecting a smooth slash lead tone either, but just it being able to sound descent is a good thing. Probably the most important here, is the LEAD TONE. Lead tone is essential here. Vai, Satch, PG, Cantrell are some tones that i would like to be able to sound out. As far as heavier rhythms, think Buckethead, AIC, Alter Bridge, Foo Fighters. You get the point. Not full blown metal, but they have a fair amount of gain. Also pretty important is cleans. I've heard the the F series cleans are quite nice. Having headroom is a must, I don't want it breaking up at 4. They don't need to be fender cleans, but atleast good enough to not sound like they're coming out of a dimebucker. I think all of these have an FX loop, so nevermind that. Maybe mesa's isn't even what i should be looking at, im not sure. It is, afterall why i came here.
I'm playing through a RG 550 with a PAF pro in the bridge, and stock neck. The neck is pretty smooth sounding, if it matters.
An F-50 would probably get you what you want. It's quite a bit tighter than the Rectoverb (I'm not familiar with the DC's, though I think the F-Series are descendents of the DC's). I have the combo version of the F-50, and the other guitarist in my band has commented that it sounds like a closed-back amp.

It has plenty of gain in the dirty channel (actually, past about 1:00, it really has an unusably large amount of gain), but it's flexible enough to get anywhere from a slightly overdriven blues tone straight through classic and hard rock all the way to metal.

Fantastic cleans, too. Maybe not quite as nice as a Lone Star, but very few amps are. When I bought mine, I went to the store looking for a Fender Twin Reverb and a nice overdrive. They had a vintage Twin in the store at a very nice price, but I went home with the F-50. The cleans sounded like the Twin, but with more depth (if that makes any sense), and there's no need for a pedal. No worries about headroom, either. I run my masters around 8:30 - 9:00 to keep up with another guitarist, a bass player, and a drummer. I actually don't know where it starts to break up, I turned it up to about 11:00 shortly after I got it, and it was still clean, but painfully loud.

All that said, only your ears can tell you if an amp is right for you. Try all of the amps you're interested in, see if any of them suit you.
kool98769 said:
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but i have been looking to get a boogie, but i cannot decide which would be best for me. I realize that trying them out will be the best way, but i am going to have a hard time finding all of the amps i wish to try out, so if i can eliminate one ahead of time, this is good news.

Alright, so the amps i am looking at are, an F-50, Rectoverb, and a Dual Caliber amp. I'm really thinking i want a combo because of the portability to avoid bringing a cab with, and storage issues, but at the same time there is the open back combo issue of not having as tight of bass.
Basically, what i want in an amp, is a tight low end with a fair amount of gain. I am by no means a br00talz player. I'm not into screaming, and chugging 8 string guitars. However, i would like the amp to be able to handle a 7 string if at any time i get one, but if it can't, it's not the end of the world for me. I'm much more of a "hard rock" player here. Actually, to be more accurate, i play more classic rock-ish things than anything, but i NEED more gain than my current amp can supply. (traynor ycv50) I've just grown a bit bored of the marshall that my amp supplies, and the low end is lacking quite a fair bit. Now, what i EXPECT out of the amp: It has to have a descently tight low end. I dont like hitting the E5 and hearing flub. Something that will tighten up with palm mutes, if you catch my drift. I'm not going to absolutely need a ton of gain, but if it can supply i'm willing. It also needs to be able to give me descent rock tones. Mid gain is a very important thing for me. I'm not looking to recreate the tones, but atleast be able to sound good playing things like skynyrd, Rush, and GNR-ish tones. I'm aware that there is some marshalls at work, and i'm not expecting a smooth slash lead tone either, but just it being able to sound descent is a good thing. Probably the most important here, is the LEAD TONE. Lead tone is essential here. Vai, Satch, PG, Cantrell are some tones that i would like to be able to sound out. As far as heavier rhythms, think Buckethead, AIC, Alter Bridge, Foo Fighters. You get the point. Not full blown metal, but they have a fair amount of gain. Also pretty important is cleans. I've heard the the F series cleans are quite nice. Having headroom is a must, I don't want it breaking up at 4. They don't need to be fender cleans, but atleast good enough to not sound like they're coming out of a dimebucker. I think all of these have an FX loop, so nevermind that. Maybe mesa's isn't even what i should be looking at, im not sure. It is, afterall why i came here.
I'm playing through a RG 550 with a PAF pro in the bridge, and stock neck. The neck is pretty smooth sounding, if it matters.

I think what your describing is a Stiletto or an Express or even a Roadster. If your not on a strict budget iw ould check out the following amps and here's why

1. Stiletto: The most Marshall of the Mesa line but not a Marshall at all because to me it has more ballz. Very good cleans and an amazing lead tone and plenty of chunk if you need it. Once you mentioned GnR, Cantrell and Satch the Stiletto is what i thought of. Althoguh i will say for headroom purposes i'd go with the Duece which unfortunately doesnt come in a combo but the head with a 2x12 couldnt hurt.

2. Express 5:50: The best cleans of any Mesa IMO and very versitile. Cleans can go from super clean and glassy to nice and fat with a hint of dirt. The gainier settings can get you a nice low end chunk all the way to a searing lead. Now to get into some of the heavier terriroties i would use a pretty hot OD pedal in front just to get the extra chunky, tight rhythms and to put some cream on your leads. This is best categorized as a medium gain amp so it might be right up your alley.

3. Roadster: outside of the Road King its the most diverse sounding mesa that can cover any of the tones you mentioned especially Alter bridge, foo fighters and AIC. A little more money but IMO worth it, and you can find them used in mint condition. Fender cleans all the way into br00talz territory and everything in between. and it has a smoother top end than other rectos which enhances its lead capabilities.

4. DC-10: You mentioned this one so i thought i'd give it a little should out. To me its somewhere between recto and mark iv type gain with it being very tight but with a little of that recto bottom end. cleans are very nice as well and with the onboard eq it can serve up a variety or tones, with an especially good lead tone (think petrucci)

I'm not a fan of the F series... not that they're bad i just think there's better for the tones the F series tries to go after. I think the best fit for you might be a Stiletto Duece or the Express. The Roadster can do it all but that also comes with a price tag and i've seen express' and dueces go used between 900-1100 where even a used roadster would be in the 1600-2000 range depending on if its a head or combo and the condition. hope this helped.
+1000 for the Express 5:50. Get the head and a thiele cab and you'll be set. Coming from a former Fender nut, to my blown-out ears, the 5:50 cleans are on par with the Lonestar cleans (used to own a LSS) AND nail my Pro Reverb (I actually A/B'd them side by side). The different voicings on each channel make it even more versatile and the overdrive channel purrrs, cranks, and go anywhere in between. Not quite Recto gain, but lots of usable/useful gain. FWIW, I'm liking it better than my Mark IV at present :shock:
You owe yourself a test drive. Make sure to try out the combo as well as try it with a closed back cab. Good luck!

+1000 for the Express 5:50. Get the head and a thiele cab and you'll be set. Coming from a former Fender nut, to my blown-out ears, the 5:50 cleans are on par with the Lonestar cleans (used to own a LSS) AND nail my Pro Reverb (I actually A/B'd them side by side). The different voicings on each channel make it even more versatile and the overdrive channel purrrs, cranks, and go anywhere in between. Not quite Recto gain, but lots of usable/useful gain. FWIW, I'm liking it better than my Mark IV at present :shock:
You owe yourself a test drive. Make sure to try out the combo as well as try it with a closed back cab. Good luck!

+1000 for the Express 5:50. Get the head and a thiele cab and you'll be set. Coming from a former Fender nut, to my blown-out ears, the 5:50 cleans are on par with the Lonestar cleans (used to own a LSS) AND nail my Pro Reverb (I actually A/B'd them side by side). The different voicings on each channel make it even more versatile and the overdrive channel purrrs, cranks, and go anywhere in between. Not quite Recto gain, but lots of usable/useful gain. FWIW, I'm liking it better than my Mark IV at present :shock:
You owe yourself a test drive. Make sure to try out the combo as well as try it with a closed back cab. Good luck!

See, the thing is, i want to keep it around/under 800-900, which is why i am looking for combo. I can always pick up a cab in the future too. The roadster sounds like it'd be awesome, but its a couple hundred out.

I'm a bit curious about the DC line. I haven't heard much about them period. And i always hear about how the rectoverb is the best bang for the buck.
Also, have heard that the F-50 is a "warmer" amp, and that it has a quite loose low end. Granted, i have all intentions of getting a TS or different booster in the near future, but as long as it isn't flab, i could care less how "loose" the low end is.
Take a look at the Stiletto. The Ace is a combo, 50 watts, has great bass, a closed cab, tons of gain (if you want) but isn't what most consider brutal.

Lots of styles are easily covered by this amp, and there are some for sale around $1000 (I know that's a bit more than what you were wanting to spend, but it may be worth stretching for.
kool98769 said:
See, the thing is, i want to keep it around/under 800-900, which is why i am looking for combo. I can always pick up a cab in the future too. The roadster sounds like it'd be awesome, but its a couple hundred out.

I'm a bit curious about the DC line. I haven't heard much about them period. And i always hear about how the rectoverb is the best bang for the buck.
Also, have heard that the F-50 is a "warmer" amp, and that it has a quite loose low end. Granted, i have all intentions of getting a TS or different booster in the near future, but as long as it isn't flab, i could care less how "loose" the low end is.

you can definitely grab an express 5:50 for around 900 and for 200 or so more a stiletto ace.
heres some examples:

if you have a guitar center near by i would go check out the 5:25 and 5:50 because they're seriously right in the ball park of your description (specifically near home plate :wink: )
jdurso said:
kool98769 said:
See, the thing is, i want to keep it around/under 800-900, which is why i am looking for combo. I can always pick up a cab in the future too. The roadster sounds like it'd be awesome, but its a couple hundred out.

I'm a bit curious about the DC line. I haven't heard much about them period. And i always hear about how the rectoverb is the best bang for the buck.
Also, have heard that the F-50 is a "warmer" amp, and that it has a quite loose low end. Granted, i have all intentions of getting a TS or different booster in the near future, but as long as it isn't flab, i could care less how "loose" the low end is.

you can definitely grab an express 5:50 for around 900 and for 200 or so more a stiletto ace.
heres some examples:

if you have a guitar center near by i would go check out the 5:25 and 5:50 because they're seriously right in the ball park of your description (specifically near home plate :wink: )

I shall try out the 5:50 next time i am at GC then.
I definitely cant do the 5:25 though. I need the 50 watts for headroom.

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