50/50 and class A

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
Reaction score
Central Texas
Hey ya all, on the old 50/50's, when you switch from high to lower power, does anybody know if the low power is class A?

Hey rabies,

I went back over the manual and saw no mention of Class A power.

The 50/50 is my first tube power amp as well as my first Mesa, so I'm just trying to learn the INs and OUTs of things.

And no, not much of the whole tube stuff is obvious to me since I'm far from a professional musician; but I am trying to learn. Thanks for the reply.

The Hi/Lo power actually switch the power tubes between pentode/triode mod (50w/15w)
The Hi/Lo power actually switch the power tubes between pentode/triode mod (50w/15w)

Yup. they essentially remove the voltage from the screen grid and so the tube(s) only acts as a triode with much less power.
I like this feature and is why I am not interested in their newer "2:50" amp.

:D :D
boyfrenzy said:
The Hi/Lo power actually switch the power tubes between pentode/triode mod (50w/15w)

FALSE It drop down the anode voltage of the 12AT7.
Which 12AT7 ? There are 3 12AX7 in the 50/50
Ok. Don't know who's right ! ;-)
I have to change the input tube on mine, so i'll check the board again to see if I could determine something.
Look at the schematic on tubefreak.com. You can see that switch occurs on C which is the anode voltage of 12aX7 phase invertor (it drops 436 volts to 112 volts).

It's absolutely not a pentode triode switch like on the hughes & kettner VS 250.
Yep, I have to admit you're right.
I've always been said it was a pentode/triode mode... it is only a power drop before the power tubes.
Thanks a lot boyfrenzy !
Do you know if it's possible to use it with the amp turned on ? The manual says nothing about it, and I've never tried it myslef.
I think it's possible but switch has to disrupt a high voltage DC current.
It could be more careful to use it when amp is off. Mostly for the"switch life".
Well thanks for the replies!

I can hear a difference in volume between low & high, which is a nice feature, but I don't really use the low power. Before buying the amp, I thought that pushing 15 watts (low power w/ volume around 8 or 9) would sound better than coasting the amp at 50 watts (high power w/ volume around 4 or 5). I was wrong though. The amp does put out better tones in high power when cranked, but for whatever reason, I just don't dig the tone of the low power.

I'm curious to hear from other 50/50 owners about high or low preference.

So it sounds like even in low power, you're still running both tubes even in low power on the 50/50...right?

Do ya all think that 1 power tube on a pushed really hard sounds as sweet as 2 or 4 tubes not being pushed very hard? Let's assume we've got Boogie power amps and Boogie preamps.

Appreciate the feedback
Well, a single tube is inherently running single-ended, which has a very different character than any set of tubes running in push-pull. Different 'topologies' tend to cancel out different harmonics (don't ask me which) creating different sorts of tones.

I tend to prefer the sound of lower-power tubes running hard than higher power tubes barely ticking, but different environs require different tones.

I'd like to try listening to the same preamp driving a pair of EL84s or 6V6GTs running in the high teens in P-P, contrasted with a single 6L6GC (or EL34) pushing the low teens. Same speaker and preamp, the volume should be about the same, but the tones would be different.

Long story short, I prefer fewer/smaller tubes pushed harder.

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