2/90 and the 50/50?

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is there a huge difference between the 2. i am looking for a fuller sound slighly more modern sound. i have a 50/50 with winged c's and it sounds great but a little vintage.

so if any one has compared the 2 hit me back.

I have not A/B'd them directly, but I can tell you the main difference is the modes you get with the 2:90, Modern, Deep, Half Drive. Having these gives you some subtle tonal variations that work great with the TriAxis.

The biggest downsides are that the 2:90 weighs a ton and costs a fortune to retube -- 8 x 6L6. Sheesh. I also think it is overkill for most venues.
I 've owned both

The 2:90 sounds huge, the 50/50 not.
according to me, the 50/50 lacks of low end
the 2:90 sounds more dynamics, and the switchables modes give you more options.
I have to agree on the fact that the 2:90 sounds really huge and seems to be the perfect match to the Triaxis. However, it's all a matter of taste, if you don't need that heavy bottom low end, maybe the 50/50 will do it. It'll be less heavy and your hand won't go that far in your pocket to re-tube it. Honestly, the 2:90 is insanely loud, I can't turn the volume knob past 10, it's too loud for a lot of places I play, but I preferred it to the 50/50 for the tonal variations I could get. It also depends on your cab, do you need the extra bottom of the 2:90? Again, it's a matter of taste up to this point. All that heavy bottom can also become against you, like in my band, the other guitar player has that annoying razor guitar sound, very bright and almost no bottom at all (he plays in 4 x 12, cheap Fender but still a 4 x 12) and when we record ourselves live, he's always up-front, if I want to make a difference, I have put my presence knob all the way up, put some more treble on the Triaxis, so most of the time when recording, I don't really need all that heavy bottom. And in studio, you can tweak everything you want, a thin sounding guitar will become huge with a couple of plugins. Anyway, I love the sound of my 2:90 and I really think I sound huge when playing it, tones I'm getting are unbelievable. Try both, analyze your budget (yes, it's expensive) and if you feel like getting the 2:90, go and get one, you won't be dissapointed.
I'd prefer play on a 2:90 with vol pot at 2 than a 50/50 at 8 !!!
Well I think the 2:90 sounds huge even at low volume.
If you can afford it then go.
I used to think that 50watts were better than 100w to make tubes growl but if you have a good amp, no probs (I've just sold my VHT 2/50/2 to buy my 2:90 (used old model)).
The best issue is to try both. but id you need to play a kind of modern metal : 2:90.
i can not find a local dealer to try both.
but i think i will get a 2:90 or just with the mark IV.