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  1. J

    Dual Rec tone question

    Hey guys, just wanted to say a big thank you, amps sounded fantastic :) As expected a little tweaking was required but the amps sounded awesome! Watch out on the new Paradise Lost DVD (when it comes out) you can probably see us standing at the side!
  2. J

    Dual Rec tone question

    Ok cheers guys! Really helpful :) We're gonna give the engineer a ring 2moro and see what he says but posting here was an "in-case" :)
  3. J

    Dual Rec tone question

    Hey guys, My band is playing in London this week and we're using Dual Recs (3 channel) as we need some bigger amps (this is not our average size of gig). We chose those because we used them on our EP. The only thing is, the engineer that recorded us set up the tones and we definitely do not...