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  1. E

    your favourite settings on MkII A B C

    OK I'l bite. What's "SL"
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    Greatest Guitar ever made

    My vote goes to the Fury BBM.
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    I found the SWEET SPOT

    I have a blue stripe as well and can hardly wait to try out your settings. What model guitar guitar are you using Photi?
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    That pretty much clarifies things together with Chip's response. I was expecting to see a more obvious switch for R2 that would split the path from R1. Thanks to all who responded.
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    Boogiebabies, your block diagram was a big help to me. I'm a little unsure of how the signal is split for R1 and R2. I'm guessing that there is a diversion of the R2 signal to the second gain stage (V1b) which is bypassed by the R1 signal which gets only the first gain stage (V1a). I am...
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    My Mark III - standard or not??

    Thanks Dennis. I had read about this a couple of weeks ago and can confirm that running Lead over R2 does effectively give you a useable "4th channel". Thanks for the interesting perspective bartchamdoh. You're right. This is an amazingly versatile amp!
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    Perfect. A flowchart which I can understand. I see that the GEQ is part of the power amp as opposed to the main tone stack. I was wondering about that as well.
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    This was exactly what I was looking for BB. I tried to get this information from the schematics but they were way above my head! Thanks a million.
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    Funny you should bring this up MrMark. This was exactly the thinking that got me trying to understand how the system works. I now realize that the only way to get power tube saturation is to crank the Master. If I do this in Class A mode, I should be able to preserve my eardrums!
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    Mark lll Lead Drive question

    I'm trying to understand the relationship of the Volume, Master, Lead Drive, and Lead Master controls on my Mark lll. I know the Volume control is part of the pre-amp and is active in all channels including the lead channel. I think that the Lead Drive and Lead Master are pre-amp controls as...
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    My Mark III - standard or not??

    Couldn't find this thread but would love to read it. Could someone give me directions?
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    Combo vs Head

    Thanks for all the input guys. I went in to look at the head and it turns out it is a Mark llA based on the serial number. It is 100/60 watts with equalizer and reverb and the cab has a 15" EV speaker. It has a wicker cane grill but the covering is a brown leatherette material (not sure if it...
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    Combo vs Head

    I have an opportunity to purchase a Mark lll head with a 1X12 cab which would mean parting with my blue stripe 1X12 combo. I don't have all the details on the head yet other than it has the GEQ and hardwood cabinet which I really like. I have never played through a Boogie head/cab and was...
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    what year is my .50 caliber + ?

    I recently tried to find some history on the .50 Caliber and found very little on the Internet. Mesa was unable to provide much except for the following: "Those amps were in production from: December -1988- Thru October -1993- serial numbers FP 11,500 - FP 29,080" Hope that helps. Ernie
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    Celestion Vintage 30 Speaker

    Thanks for your advice. I decided to pass on this particular unit. Although the speaker could have been replaced, the cost was a factor. Ernie
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    Where's the model name?

    That's a great web site. I guess the only way to differentiate the various Mark models is to know the configuration of the controls (front and back) of the different models. Odd that Mesa did not actually print the model name (even the word Mark) on these units! Ernie
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    Where's the model name?

    Viewing the photos of Mark series amps on ebay, I could not see the model name on any of the units (eg Mark II or Mark III). My amp has the model name (.50 Caliber +) printed clearly just below the power/standby switches. Probably a stupid question but, how do you differentiate between a IIB...
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    .50 Caliber vs Mark Series

    I've seen quite a few comparisons in this forum between various Mark series models. I have a .50 Caliber + (for about 8 years; great little amp). I am considering moving up to one of the Mark series (probably a II or III). These are not very common in my neck of the woods so I am unable to...
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    Celestion Vintage 30 Speaker

    I'm considering the purchase of a 100 watt Mark II combo that is equipped with a Celestion Vintage 30 G12 speaker which is rated at 60 watts. The amp is a 1982 model; not sure if the speaker is original. Is this speaker too light for this amp?