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The Boogie Board

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  1. J

    Mark IIA hum, need Philly area tech recommendation please!

    My Mark IIA, which has been re-capped and re-tubed within the past year, now has a loud 60 cycle hum. Worked fine on Friday, spent the night in the car (down to 40 degrees) and then when I turned it on on Saturday, pop when switching standby to on, and hum. I pulled the tubes sequencially...
  2. J

    Speaker choice for a mark IIB(Advice please?)

    I have a Mark IIA combo that I recently swapped out the EVM12L for an Eminence Lil' Texas neo. I weighted everything out during the process and end result was shaving off 17 lbs.; the combo is now a manageable 45lbs. Soundwise, the Emi doesn't have the big tight bass of the EV, but that's not...
  3. J

    Prodigal Son Returns (to Boogie)!

    That's so true. Because I've been a private/casual gig player for so long, the vast majority of my playing has been clean rhythm, jazz cocktail sets, etc. Never needed high gain, and a Tube Screamer or some variation usually sufficed. When I was younger I always had a Twin, and the Boogie was...
  4. J

    Prodigal Son Returns (to Boogie)!

    Hi folks, thanks for having me! I'm a long time Boogie user, but for the past 10 years or so have employed an Alessandro Rottweiler for my Wedding/Private gig work. Anyway, while perusing the local Guitar Center used inventory online something piqued my interest. It was listed as a blue...