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  1. N

    Funny Story....

    So, I receive a call from a friend of mine saying that a friend of his wants to buy/trade for my Peavey JSX that i never use(d), so i tell him my price and tell him to have him call me. The guy stops over and brings down this Mark IIb, no EQ and its in an Egnator head shell. Kinda ratty...
  2. N

    Estimated date of my Tremoverb

    I currently have 2 Tremoverbs down with LDR issues! One a '94 combo that I bought new and a '99 head that I bought last January. The 99 has the bad batch of LDRs and lost the red channel at a gig last month and the 94 lost its reverb first, then the orange channel. My question is directed to...
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    Putting my Roadster 2x12 on a diet

    I took the speakers outta my Roadster 2x12! Not so much as for the weight but for the tone. I love the sound of my TremoVerb 2x12 with its open back but don't like the closed mini cab of the Roadster. I just run it to my 2x12 vert w/ EVs now and its great! I'm thinkin of putting one V30 in it to...
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    Not lovin the MkV! roadster question.

    Well, I use a 2x12 vert with my MkV! BUT I have 2 EVs in it so it weighs as much as a 4x12! Lol! I would almost have to sell the 2x12 either way because it wouldn't look right with a full size recto head hanging off the sides! So that's one more reason to go back to a combo! Hmmmm.... and it is...
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    Not lovin the MkV! roadster question.

    Wow man.... dunno if I can still carry the 100lb combo around anymore! My Tremoverb is a combo and my chiropractor loves it! Maybe I'm gettin old! I keep it in mind though because I acually like combos because it takes up less room in my car and its quick to set up!
  6. N

    FS: Roadster Head

    interested in Trading for a Mark V head?
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    Not lovin the MkV! roadster question.

    Thanks for the replies! My TremoVerb has been my main amp for many years and while I always love it, I decided to venture into different tones and adding effects, which brought me through a couple Marshalls, a Peavey JSX and recently the Mark V. Because of the LDR issues on my ToV I kinda put...
  8. N

    Not lovin the MkV! roadster question.

    I've had my MkV for about a year and a half and have owned my Tremoverb since new in 94. I just took my ToV to a benefit gig after not using it for a few years. (I have LDR issues) I hate to say it but my ToV just blows the MkV away! I'm thinking of selling or trading my MKV for a Roadster and...
  9. N

    Best Vert 2x12 speakers for V

    I run a EVM12L and a EVM12S in my vert 2x12 and absolutely will never change them! I went through all my speakers with is cab (Eminence Private Jacks, old Vintage 30s, original C90s and Celestion 75s) and the Evs stomp all others! Warm and FAT! I don't think the Vert. 2x12 is the greatest...
  10. N

    Any of you Mark V owners have a CARVIN Guitar?

    I have a Carvin 7 string but the pickup in it is more like the C22T bridge. I am in the minority of most and like my pups in the Carvin! However, I have a ton of pups and my fave through the MkV is easily the Air Zone in my PRS custom 24! Its a big, huge PAF in the bridge and splits very well! I...
  11. N

    MkV - EL34´s !!!

    What's the verdict on the E34L? Anyone try those? Was thinkin about ordering a set but figured id ask! I know everyone likes the SED EL34s but they're outta my price range at the moment!
  12. N

    Mark V cutting out during an outdoor gig, direct sunlight?

    Sounds like footswitch cable to me. I loop mine around the handle before it goes into the back of the amp. Seems like a few others has had this problem before! Don't think the heat would cause any of that. I've been playing a lot of outdoor gigs this year and its been real hot in Ohio! Even...
  13. N

    Ch3, Extreme mode, Attack reduces with fx loop engaged

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I, as well as others, are having issues with high frequency loss with certain pedals in the loop. If the same pedals are put into a different effects loop of another amp and that loss isnt there then since its a high frequency loss were dealing with...
  14. N

    Ch3, Extreme mode, Attack reduces with fx loop engaged

    Thank you Scary! Not for anything but your opinion and for not degrading someone because of theequiptment used! Having said that, I agree that lower grade pedals do degrade your sound ESPECIALLY in the MkV, I m having a hard time with the cause being just because the amp is so clear. My...
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    Ch3, Extreme mode, Attack reduces with fx loop engaged

    What a bullshit statement JAZZGEAR! That's the kind of self rightious, cork-sniffing comment I would expect over at the PRS boards! This is the ONLY amp that my less than rightious pedals has a problem with. I've had several amps over the 25 years of playing guitar and YOU are gonna tell me that...
  16. N

    Ch3, Extreme mode, Attack reduces with fx loop engaged

    I find that if I turn down channel volume and turn up master volume I get rid of some of the "blanket over the speakers" due to my chorus pedals. I've since given up on using any chorus and only run my DD20 tthrough the loop. Its a shame that after spending $2000 on a semi-boutique amp that I...
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    Crunchlab PU's

    Not to jack the thread too much, I really love the Dimarzio Air Zone in the bridge of my '90 PRS custom through the MkV! Does any one here have experience with both the Air Zone and the Crunch Lab? I have a substantial amount of pickups that I have aquired for various guitar and amp combinations...
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    Mark V effects loop

    Turn channel volume down to around 8 o'clock and turn master volume to desired loudness. Works for me and some others!
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    Another effects loop problem

    My trusty CS9 sounds like *** through my FX loop as well as my Boss Chorus! These pedals have been with me for 20yrs and always delivered great chorus for me! I think the MkV runs the loop real hot or its in the way its buffered. In my experience, I run my master volume at about 10-11 o'clock...
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    DRs 10-52! DR is my favorite string after trying almost evrything!