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  1. N

    Owners of QUAD preamp, can you help me on Lead Master ch2?

    No effects.. The lead master is micidial from 0 to 3.. then it doesn't adds more volume (from 3 to 10) In any situation Do you think i must reduce the master on both channels?
  2. N

    Owners of QUAD preamp, can you help me on Lead Master ch2?

    My doubt : i think that the lead master knob on rythm2 doesn't work properly. Can you help me? Now i make a example for pratic try: ch1: volume 7 trebles 8.5 bass 2.8 pullup middle 6.8 pullup master 7 lead drive 3 lead master 3 OK, here if i use the lead master knob i have always good and...
  3. N

    Volume difference on Quad Preamp?

    Here the same.. ch1 louder as ch2 I don't think on a optocouplers problem.. imho it's to affinate all the balance between the masters and lead masters. (this only becouse i find this point, the volume difference, too much "common".. the "attitude" of our Quad is the same)