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The Boogie Board

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  1. K

    Amp decision

    I shall try out the 5:50 next time i am at GC then. I definitely cant do the 5:25 though. I need the 50 watts for headroom.
  2. K

    Amp decision

    See, the thing is, i want to keep it around/under 800-900, which is why i am looking for combo. I can always pick up a cab in the future too. The roadster sounds like it'd be awesome, but its a couple hundred out. I'm a bit curious about the DC line. I haven't heard much about them period. And...
  3. K

    Amp decision

    Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but i have been looking to get a boogie, but i cannot decide which would be best for me. I realize that trying them out will be the best way, but i am going to have a hard time finding all of the amps i wish to try out, so if i can eliminate one...