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  1. C

    Lonestar hum

    It was definitely a fault. The seller has grudgingly taken it back and had it repaired I paid over the odds for it and didn't want to have a repaired amp at the price I paid. Fickle I know but there are others out there. Cheers H
  2. C

    replacement foot switch cable

    Trouble is I cant find one in the UK thats a suitable length, metal and has an angled jack at one end They must be available somewhere but it is driving me nuts H
  3. C

    replacement foot switch cable

    Hi Does anyone know where I could pickup a replacement footswitch cable for a Stiletto Ace - preferably in the UK but anywhere will do if they ship. I know its only a balanced 1/4 cable with an angled jack at one end but I cant seem to find one anywhere Many thanks Howard
  4. C

    Lonestar hum

    I am definitely going to get a replacement - I already have an express 5:50 and an ACE. The ACE is going though as I prefer the 6L6 sound H
  5. C

    Lonestar hum

    I have changed all the tubes and tried it at another location and still no joy. The hum is the kind you sometimes get when you touch the end of a guitar cable when it is plugged into the amp - not quite that loud though but almost It looks as though the seller is going to be okay about though...
  6. C

    Lonestar hum

    I did consider that - I have tried it all over the house. Both my Ace and Express dont hum so is that likely? I can always take it to the office to test it there.
  7. C

    Lonestar hum

    Just to add to this I have noticed that the front of the amp where the dials are gets very hot - so hot that I cant keep my finger on it for long This is only playing at bedroom volume H
  8. C

    Lonestar hum

    Hi I have just purchased a Lonestar Classic from ebay. The amp has a very load and pronounced hum. It hums like this without any instrument plugged in and regardless of how any of the switches or dials are set. Is this normal - I have an express 5:50 and a Stiletto Ace and neither hum like...
  9. C

    extension cable for HotPlate and Ace

    eek - if I understood half of that I would be on a winner!!! I am afraid making one is well beyond my rather meagre electrical abilities. If I manage to find a female/male mono extension adapter does it specifically need to say it is for speakers? I am sure I have seen one of those at Maplins...
  10. C

    extension cable for HotPlate and Ace

    Does anyone know where I can get an cable that extends the speaker cable on a Stiletto Ace - preferably in the UK I have just bought the hotplate but the cable than runs from the speaker on the Ace is too short to reach the hotplate on top of the amp. I have spent ages trolling the net in vain...
  11. C

    KT77 Bias Question

    many thanks for the advice. I have emailed the supplier and will wait to hear from them - that sounds like the safest plan. I dont get chance to crank the amp except at rehearsals/gigs and the band is having a bit of a hiatus at the moment. Cheers Howard
  12. C

    KT77 Bias Question

    I have already received them and tried them. I dont have any way to do any sort of testing. I have tried them in the amp and they sound good but I haven't run them very long or very loud. I suppose I better take them out and ordered some with the correct bias. H
  13. C

    KT77 Bias Question

    Hi I have been lurking here for a while and decided to try 2 KT77's in my Stiletto Ace. In my enthusiasm I ordered them without specifying they were for a Mesa Boogie. Is this going to cause a bias problem? So, have a made a cock-up and ordered the wrong tubes? It is not a big deal as they...