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  1. alantig

    Renewed Appreciation for my MkIV Widebody Combo

    MBJ - any chance you can post your settings? Alan
  2. alantig

    Microphonic Tube In Mark IV?

    I don't think I can disconnect the fan w/o opening this thing up, and I don't really feel like doing that. I'm going to give it another shot w/the gain a little lower, but it seems like that kind of defeats the purpose that I was shooting for. I did try it w/my Budda amp and had the same thing...
  3. alantig

    Microphonic Tube In Mark IV?

    Thanks for the tips guys, but... It seems the problem is from introducing the Leash into the system. For those who haven't seen one, the Leash has a cooling fan. When I take the Leash out of the equation and crank up the volume, there's no feedback. When I unplug the guitar at the amp...
  4. alantig

    Microphonic Tube In Mark IV?

    Just want to see if I'm on the right track here. I think I have a microphonic tube in my Mark IV, but I didn't have any luck tracking it down, and I don't have a ton of experience w/tube amps. I just got a Bad Cat Leash attenuator and was testing it out w/the Mark IV (widebody 1x12). I got a...
  5. alantig

    Seven string or baritone w/mark 4?

    PRS just announced a baritone SE, but I don't know when they're going to be available. The SE line is imports, so they're pretty reasonably priced. Alan
  6. alantig

    LSS vs. Budda Superdrive II 18W

    Interesting - and I'm not disputing your evaluation - because I have a SD 18 and a MkIV, and I end up using the Budda for the Fendery cleans. Usually for some kind of countryish/twangy chicken-substitute-picking parts. I got the Budda when I went to buy a Mk IV - I'd already checked out the...
  7. alantig

    Hamer Porn

    My two... USA DuoTone, formerly owned by Mike Keneally: And my latest, an Eclipse w/mini-buckers. Way cool guitar: Alan (couldn't get the...
  8. alantig

    Express vs. Mark IV Question

    Maybe two years. It's a 1x12 wide body combo. I've dialed in some sounds I'm pretty happy with, so it's not a matter of being unhappy w/the Mark IV, but the Express sounded pretty cool when I read about it, and it sounded pretty decent when I played it. I just want to make sure that I'm not...
  9. alantig

    Express vs. Mark IV Question

    Help a brother out, Boogie mavens - I test drove an Express 5:25 combo and was very impressed. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just in love w/the showroom polish job, though, so I pounded away a bit at my Mark IV to see if I could get the same basic tones as the Express, and, well, I...
  10. alantig

    Mesa warranty acknowledgement?

    Huh. Not my experience at all. Sometime after I sent my card in, I got a call from Mesa thanking me for buying the amp, asking if I had any questions, and telling me to call if I ever did have any questions. And when I did have a question, they returned my call fairly quickly. Alan
  11. alantig

    Mark IV Combo And Marshall Cab

    This is why I came here to ask - ask first, buy later! Better than buy first, be disappointed second, ask third, regret fourth, sell fifth - well, drink the fifth, sell sixth, buy again later. Alan
  12. alantig

    Mark IV Combo And Marshall Cab

    I have a shot at getting a Marshall 1960 4x12 and I'm thinking about picking it up to use with my Mark IV combo (and my Budda combo). Good idea? What kind of differences in sound can I expect from the cab versus the stock speaker? Will I have to run the amp at a higher volume setting to drive...