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  1. O

    Ohmage confusion

    after reading the dual rec manual ive come to the conclusion that i can do this but i need 2 of what mesa calls a "8ohm series box" i cant find this anywhere.... does anyonehave any links? or detials on how to build one. cheers.
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    Ohmage confusion

    gday fellas I have a mark IV, and a Reicitfier rev G and two stilleto cabs (8ohm mono/4ohm stereo) i have a lehle splitter so both amps run nice and quitely into their own cab. but i'd like to run both heads into each cab for live micing purposes. is there away to run both cabs in stereo? or...
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    stiletto vs marshall

    you misunderstood me mate we both have the same MARK IV series I with the same power tubes except dinkalot has a tungsol in one of the preamp stages His is runnign a 240v tranny, mine is running a 110v with a stepdown transformer as we get 240v in Australia. they sounded very different at the...
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    stiletto vs marshall

    would havin the Stiletto plugged into a stepdown transofmer have any impact on the tone? when drinkalot and myself tried to compare our Mark IV's his sounded alot better, louder and clearer. I was runnin a stepdown transformer whereas his was fitted with a original 240v mark IV tranny Our power...
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    stiletto vs marshall

    just get a dual rec mate (blackface)
  6. O

    quad IIc+?

    cheers fellas for the good info
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    quad IIc+?

    gday fellas does any of ya know if the IIC section of the quad can be modded to a IIC+? cheers