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  1. O

    Series 300 mod

    Thank you. Our digital camera isn't up to the challenge but I think I understand. Plugging a footswitch into this jack and activating it might well produce the same sort of effect as engaging the mid gain switch on a Mark 4. I've been nervous to experiment with it for fear of damaging my amp but...
  2. O

    Series 300 mod

    I've posted this question before but I have additional information now. I have a 1982 Series 300, no Reverb so the Presence knob is on the front. On the back, where there should be simply a plug in the chassis, someone has installed a quarter inch jack. We thought at first that it might be a...
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    Series 300 layout

    I've just purchased a Mark IIB Series 300 Coliseum head. It's wonderful but I'm lacking in information. This unit was built without the optional reverb, so the presence control is on the front in the far right knob position. On the back panel, where the presence control would otherwise have been...