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  1. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    I just remembered that late the night before I plugged my bass into it to work something out for a song... It was on so quiet you could easily have a conversation over it, but would that have sped up my tube(s) going?
  2. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    The amp turns on fine... it even makes a little bit of sound through the reverb. All the lights are lit up and everything... do I still need to change fuses?
  3. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    I haven't actually looked but I'm quite sure that in the manual it has an actual pot for adjusting bias as well as being able to take EL34 and 6L6. When I said EL84 it wasn't a typo... but I've now found out that the 84s won't actually work with my YCS100. I'm going to get the JJ KT77s and...
  4. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    Well if its just the tube(s) thats a big sigh of relief. Co-incidently I started looking at new tubes last week... I wasn't planning on retubing this quick but I didn't like the stock ones anyways! Yes, it has a bias adjustment... and can take EL34 and 6L6 types. So I was thinking of either...
  5. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    ok guys... bad news. I just turned it on and strangely all I could hear was the reverb. In other words, if the reverb is turned all the way off there isn't any volume no matter what the master or channel volumes are. The reverb is acting as the only volume in that the only way to get any...
  6. G

    One tube over heating? help!

    Hey guys, I thought maybe some of you might be able to give me some help with a question I have about my amp. Its not actually a Mesa... its a 100 watt Traynor YCS 100 with EL34s but still. I've had the amp for about 3 months and I've only really turned it up 3 or 4 times and I had it up...