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  1. K

    Recommend a new speaker for my MK I RI

    try altec 417-8H, i swapped C90 for altec in my RI and it sounds much better. electrovoice EVM12L is also fine :)
  2. K

    Any .50 Caliber clips?

    thanks for welcome :) I didn't play on this clip, it's excerpt from cd of czech band called forrest jump.
  3. K

    Strats with Mark I/Mark IV??

    IMO strat/mark matches each other perfectly :) even using single coils, you can get incredible heavy tones as well as nice cleans from this combo. i like mk series amps with fenders more than with any other guitars :)
  4. K

    Any .50 Caliber clips? 50 caliber + & engl 412 vintage
  5. K

    early mark I RI with altec 417-8H live clip :)

    thanks for your opinion :) right now i'm looking for cab that would match altec nicely (i'm thinking about orange PPC212 loaded with celestion V30 or 2x12 halfback with C90 & custom eminence)
  6. K

    early mark I RI with altec 417-8H live clip :) captured with camera microphone. my playing is horrible, but i love sound of my strat through mk I :))
  7. K

    settings for mark I and mark III

    mk I fender cleans: input 2, volume 2 about 4, treble 10, bass 4, middle 3
  8. K

    Who here has played the Mark I Reissue? Opinions? Clips?

    I play mk I reissue combo for about three years now. it took me quite a long time to dial exact sound that i wanted, but now i wouldn't trade it for anything else :) It's sweetest amp for leads i've ever played, IMO it has most suitable lead channel (input 1) for solo work of mark series amps...
  9. K

    7 string recommendations?

    I would try ibanez 2027 (they're hard to find) or K7. IMO K7 eats all standard ibanez basswood bodied seven strings alive :)
  10. K


    it's everywhere in europe like this. I think that prices won't go lower soon, because local distributors haven't sold all amps that they bought for old price when dolar was high (i don't know anyone who would buy new mesa for that price, everyone has used amps over there).
  11. K

    Mark IV vs Triamp MKII

    I wouldn't do it. Triamp is nice, but IMHO it lacks charakter of mesa and sounds little brittle compared to mark IV. And if you love your amp, why do you consider trading it for something else? :)
  12. K

    How can you use Mark I for both lead and cleaner rhythm?

    it's a pity that i can't test that BB preamp (I doubt that anyone in czech republic has it), and I don't hant to spend so much money on something that i can't test before i buy it :) i personally don't trust solid state booster/distortion pedals very much, because i don't consider their tone as...
  13. K

    How can you use Mark I for both lead and cleaner rhythm?

    mark I doesn't have separate masters for each channel, so you can't balance volume of each input - You can find out some settings with only small volume drop, but it means to sacrifice clean or lead - i mean you can dial "switchable" lead and crunch, or clean and "lo-gain lead" :) i personally...
  14. K

    Bogner, Diezel or Cornford?

    I've tried both diezel and cornford, and to be honest i can't tell which one i would pick as better :) cornford isn't so versatile as VH4 (which is IMO most versatile tube amp i've ever heard, it also has best control of tone i ever tried - you can tweak it's knobs anywhere and it always sounds...
  15. K

    Mark 1

    i would say IIC+ sounds more bright, more articulated to my ears - both clean and lead, but i think it can't do such a great crunch as mk I. I was very suprised that 60w non-simul non-eq C+ had much more treble in tone than my mk I RI. It also had much more gain.
  16. K

    Historic Mark I on ebay

    that amp looks little strange to me, it doesn't have any push-pull pots.
  17. K

    New Mark 1 Reissue

    well, it doesn't work on my RI :( but i noticed some gain increase when i used alexis midiverb IV in loop (maybe i just tried it with some weird patchcord)
  18. K

    New Mark 1 Reissue

    my favourite settings (i have old reissue with C90) are: for strat with single coil PU's: volume 1: 9 volume 2: 5 master: 2 treble: 10 bass: 2 middle: 10 for ibanez K7: volume1: 7 volume2: 5.5 master: 2 treble:10 bass: 1.5 middle: 7 i set presence for both around 10 it depends on what...
  19. K

    I got to play on a Mk I reissue yesterday....

    ah, i didn't read name of thread properly :)
  20. K

    I got to play on a Mk I reissue yesterday....

    did you try MK I reissue too? I would like to know if reissue can sound similar to IIb, i love sound of MK I RI but i hate fact that it's non footswitchable amp.