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  1. D

    true opinion on the triaxis

    Eagle, To me, Triaxis is not a replicator, it's a tone generator. When I bought it, I looked at the manual for like 3 minutes and I didn't care much what amp it does replicate. I wanted to achieve my own thing. I had the luck of owning 2 other Mesa products before my current setup and I like...
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    true opinion on the triaxis

    Hey fatboy, I'm not saying it's the best thing, I'm saying it is for me, I can play whatever I want with it. If you play SRV stuff, you might not be impressed by it, if you play Slipknot stuff, I'm not sure it will do it all. If you are a gig man like I am, playing almost on demand with about...
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    true opinion on the triaxis

    2:90 and Triaxis can deliver whatever you need: classic or modern, it's simply a prefect match. I mean I play in a band where I have to play top 40 stuff, it does it all, from AC/DC to Godsmack. I mean what else do you need? Yes it is insanely loud, play half mode, period. You can't go wrong...
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    2/90 and the 50/50?

    I have to agree on the fact that the 2:90 sounds really huge and seems to be the perfect match to the Triaxis. However, it's all a matter of taste, if you don't need that heavy bottom low end, maybe the 50/50 will do it. It'll be less heavy and your hand won't go that far in your pocket to...
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    Ebay experience ??

    Bought my 2:90 and Triaxis (from the same guy) from eBay. Units were located in California, and I am in Montreal, Canada, I guess it should be around 3000 miles (I'm propbably wrong) in distance. Used UPS for shipping. Seller packed the amp and the preamp separately in a secure way. Tubes were...
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    I love my Wolfie, it's a very underrated guitar, stock pups aren't bad and the neck is just the best. Mine is very sober, black, one volume knob, stoptail bridge, nothing to write home about. This is my backup instrument, I play with my LP usually. As I am looking to get a tremolo equipped...
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    Sanchez, The buzz I have is more like when you stick your guitar in front of your tv screen, and it's getting worse when activating the wah. I mean, in a live situation when everyone is playing, I'm sure no one will hear the noise, but in between songs, when the singer tries to babble something...
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    ESP M-1000 Deluxe

    Anybody has some inputs/experience with this guitar? I mean I went to harmony-central and stuff but I don't think the views expressed in there were objectives. I'd like to know the pros and cons from an experienced user. I play mostly with Gibson LP and I once owned a Custom Shop ESP MV-1 with...
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    New axe!

    My favorite part of the pic is the guitar dude... I am a Les Paul enthousiast - more like fanatic - and this one is a pure beauty. Congrats!!
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    Peavey Wolfgang

    I'm tellin'ya man, the Wolfie is one great axe. Never liked those Ibanez, neck is way too thin for my taste, those guitars are fine but to my personnal taste, I can't play with Ibanez. Did you get the one with the d-tuna? I heard that sustain wasn't the same with it, I guess it's the same with...
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    No wall wart near the wah, thanks for pointing that out. I really don't understand, the wah always worked perfectly with other setups. I usually fix my problems but this one is one tough cookie to crack. Tried the wah in another amp, it was sounding fine. I think I will try it in my 2:90...
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    Well folks, no success... I tried putting the wah first, still get the buzzing. I will remove the wah from my gear for now, I can't have that buzzing sound when I'm on stage. I'll try other combinations later, in between gigs or when I'll have more time. Thanks anyway for your help.
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    The wah is running on battery. Thanks for pointing that out though, it could have been my problem. Tonight I will try other combinations and I'll be back with answers. Thanks for your input!
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    Thanks for your reply. I did try the wah in another amp, using the same cables, same setup and it was fine. I would describe the noise as a buzzing sound, getting worse when activating the wah. When I remove the wah, I use the same cables and it sounds just fine, no buzzing or anything. I doubt...
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    Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

    Hello folks, I'm having noises using my wah with my current setup: 2:90 + Triaxis + G-Major. I'm fairly new to the Triaxis and 2:90, I was using a Mesa Stiletto Deuce head before and I never noticed any noises when using the wah. As with my Stiletto head or my previous amps, all my effects go in...
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    Strat PUPS

    Hey thanks, It ain't the first time I hear about Strat and DiMarzio pups but your opinion definately helps. I should have mentionned what gear I'm using: Mesa 2:90 + Triaxis + TC G-Major + 412 Mesa Rec Slant = heaven Thx again man, I'll be ordering some of these!
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    Strat PUPS

    I need some input about the different pups available for an American Strat. Currently the guitar has those Gold Lace Sensors. They are great for clean tones but I'm looking for something a little more mean (bridge). I would be happy to have your opinions about the different pups on the market...
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    I'm Hating My Triple Rectifier

    Hey man, give yourself some time, from what I understand, you've had the amp for a week only! I'm still tweaking my amp and I've been playing guitar for more than 20 years! Some gigs, you think you sound so huge and other gigs everything you do sounds bad. Tube amps are like this, they breathe...
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    best guitar cable

    I've had my Whirlwind Leader for almost 20 yrs and still the only cable that I will use between my guitar and amp. Unbreakable.
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    Peavey Wolfgang

    I just wanted to share my opinion on those Peavey Wolfgang guitars as I got one used about 6 months ago. First, they are very underrated guitars, I mean they are easy to play and they sound real good for the money spent. Mine is made from basswood, came with stock pickups, stoptail bridge. When...