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  1. M

    Mark IV- Do you pull the presence?

  2. M

    tubes changing color?

    Ahh the old shroomery. Such fond memories I have. I play death metal and I was so twisted once my roomate got me to jam out some hippie music.
  3. M

    Should I buy a 12 year old Mark IV for 750?

    I'm pretty sure that unless abused, these amps pretty much last forever. It probably just needs some new tubes. Sometimes a cap will go bad here and there but an amp tech should be able to fix stuff like that fairly cheap. People still buy and use amps (Boogies included) that are much older...
  4. M

    why are mesa boogie raping us?

    There may be some increase incured by tarrifs and other trade fees as well. But no doubt, for the price to be nearly twice the orriginal is retarded. Maybe one day you will find a used one on Ebay from someone in the UK. I'm in the US, bought mine used and it sounds great after retubing it...
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    JJ kits from Eurotubes

    I've just read that Bob at Eurotubes is out of the the high gain ECC83S tubes for a few weeks. Seems the demand for them is on the rise. Good thing I got mine when I did. People who don't play metal or shred should stop buying them up, since they don't set their gain and drive to 9.75...
  6. M

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    Channel 2. I havn't messed around with it a whole lot, just to play a little Sabbath or Zeppelin every once in awhile. My real area of interest is in face melting metal. I've heard that using E34L's in the class a power tube sockets (the end sockets) gives you more of a vintage crunch sound...
  7. M

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    I play a Mark IV and use it for metal. I run JJ's all around, with high gain front end (ecc83s) and 6l6gc in the power section. I am currently using an oversize Reco cab with vintage 30's. I use a Rocktron Hush to cut the noise associated with running the gain/drive almost all the way open...
  8. M

    JJ kits from Eurotubes

    Yeah Jackie, I think I heard the short pre-amp tube life thing from you. I hope this doesn't happen to me. I've talked with others here, and they have been using JJ's in their MIV's for like two years on end with no probs at all. Maybe it's all just luck of the draw, some tubes **** the bed...
  9. M

    JJ kits from Eurotubes

    I have just recently re-tubed my Mark IV with a high gain kit from Eurotubes. I was reluctant at first to do it because so many people have complained about 'dark blanket' effects on your tone. I have been running the JJ's for a few days, and let me tell you, there is no such problem as far as...
  10. M


    Yes. Absolutely. No Question. It's what you wan't. So sick. Play one and you will be addicted. Prepare for hearing loss. Rock on.
  11. M


    I am a fairly new Mark IV owner. I play metal and I LOVE this friggin' amp! I use a BBE maxcom for some compression, and a Rocktron Hush to cut noise. I am guilty of pegging the lead chanel out gain and drive wise because I love complete saturation. What sounds like crap to one man sounds...
  12. M

    Mark IV probs!!

    I've heard a good way to clean the tube sockets is to apply cleaner to an old tube, and work it repeatedly in and out of the socket. If there is a lot of build-up and corrosion, the tube pins should be wiped off, and the process repeated until the pins come out relatively clean. I havn't tried...
  13. M

    Just got rackmount kit for Mark IV, have a couple questions

    Looks great man. It's gonna be sick once all your other gear is mounted in the rack. I am SO happy with my rack mount Mark IV right now, I wish I had more time to smoke and play for hours on end!
  14. M

    Just got rackmount kit for Mark IV, have a couple questions

    Hey. I just rack mounted my Mark IV a few months ago. I got it all together, but it was a pain. Don't assemble the kit and try to slide the amp in. It won't work. Instead, build the kit around the amp. Tighten the sides to the amp with the small silver screws (4) up top . Put the other...
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    Anyone tried tubes from SRS webstore?

    I was just wondering if anyone has experience with this vendor and if their promise of "not finding better matched tubes anywhere" is followed through on.
  16. M

    Mark IV Bias Mods

    Thanks to everyone for all the info. I think I'll leave my Mark IV the way it is for now. Can't wait to hear what the JJ's sound like after hearing so many good things.
  17. M

    Mark IV Bias Mods

    Does anyone have experince selecting/installing/using an aftermarket mod to overide the Mesa fixed bias setup? Is it even worth messing around with? I recently looked through the Eurotubes site after reading much praise and personal recommendation. Aside from deciding to try the JJ's I also...
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    Mark IV tubes

    Got my power tube situation squared away. Gonna try the JJ 6l6GC. I guess the question I am left with is, when using my MarkIV wide open what is the longest lasting 12ax7 with some decent gain and bite? Thinking about Tung-sol, unless anyone can steer me in a better direction. What vendor...
  19. M

    Mark IV tubes

    I play freequently, and the short preamp tube life with the JJ's will not be acceptable. I am guilty of driving this amp pretty hard (metalhead) and would need something with a better lifespan. Mesa is shipping Chinese tubes now right? Any opinion on the TungSol/Sovtek? Also, what do people...
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    Mark IV tubes

    I was thinking of trying some different tubes in my Mesa. I usually use Mesa tubes, and just want to try something different. People have recommended the JJ tubes that Eurotubes carries. Does anyone have an opinion of these one way or the other? I know everyone has a preference as far as...