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  1. P

    Free I think I got scammed

    Here’s another one, I got scammed by them too. I wish I had seen this thread first. There are two new listings by new members with @protonmail addresses.
  2. P

    Mesa Thiele 4x12 stack

    I would likely be running either one of my Mark III’s or my IV. With the current pair of thiele cabs I get plenty of volume but the downside of them is they’re very directional. I’m playing tighter and heavier music so open back is not ideal. Going up to quad as well may not solve the issue...
  3. P

    Difficulty getting musical feedback from Mark amps

    I’m often using a 4x12 at permanent hearing damage levels, so that part isn’t an issue. I haven’t tried with the GEQ off so that will he the next test.
  4. P

    Difficulty getting musical feedback from Mark amps

    I currently have 4 Mark amps (IIB+, III red, III++ green and IV), typically I play through either x2 thiele cabs with EVs, or a halfback with EVs and 100 watt Celestions. I’ve found getting musical feedback is difficult even at deafening volumes (with the halfback at 600 watts that may be only...
  5. P

    Aftermarket Mark II/III/IV headshells

    I posted this in 2 facebook groups as well so apologies if the multiple posts annoys you. I’d like to share my small family here. All 3 headshells were made by Scott Stofik and are simply fantastic! The prices are great, the turnaround was fast, and the quality is as good as I could ever hope...
  6. P

    Recent loop modded mark IIb questions

    I have an 81 IIB RP9B HRG with the loop mod. It was done by a previous owner, I’m not sure what all was done. I’ve found with the typical Metallica type settings from Flemming’s notes, the “gain boost” pulled sounds like I’m switching to the neck pickup, it’s pretty dramatic. Pushed in is...
  7. P

    For Sale Boogies For Sale, Mark III's, Satellite & Thiele, V-Twin, Yngwie Strats etc

    I’m working on a comparison video myself, a few years ago I pitched an idea on a couple of forums to make a Mesa Mark sound clip database. I supplied some DI tracks, IRs, and my settings so most of the crucial bits were controlled, but it never caught on. Your videos have been a godsend for us...
  8. P

    Mesa Thiele 4x12 stack

    Has anyone ever tried or even seen a 4x12 or larger stack of 1x12 thiele cabinets? I currently own x5 EVM12L speakers dating from ‘81 to ‘93, the Black Shadow and EV labeled sound pretty different from the plain back OEM ones, but the variety is nice. Anyways, I have x2 thiele cabs but I’ve...
  9. P

    Mark IIB Effects loop mod Video

    I called customer service, they know Mike’s availability.
  10. P

    Mark IIB Effects loop mod Video

    Where did you hear Mike B retired? I talked to him only a few days ago about sending in my Mark 3. He said he’s backed up at the moment so won’t accept any new, but will again in the next month or so. Sorry, I can’t help with your specific request.
  11. P

    MArk III Green stripe serial # question.

    The chassis will have dates written in sharpie. I don’t believe the serial tells much for the date.
  12. P

    Adding pentode/triode switch to Mark III Green

    I’m interested in this as well. MB will no longer install a pentode/triode switch.
  13. P

    Mark IIb serial numbers

    and another IIB 12/29/81 sn838x RP9B HRG Silver knobs
  14. P

    Just got a Mark iii Drg bluestripe wondering if it needs a service.(pic)

    Yeah my initial email was with a picture of the caps as I assumed these were still problematic. His response to the image was, “Those would be the caps with the "IC" for illinois capacitor label... I have not seen any particular troubles with them. The definite problem ones were labeled...
  15. P

    Just got a Mark iii Drg bluestripe wondering if it needs a service.(pic)

    My Mark III green stripe is currently with MB getting the ++ mod, price was $400 not including shipping. I also have a IVB, III red stripe, and IIB+. I asked MB yesterday if they could look up service history by the serial and this was his response, “No way look back thru all the various RA...
  16. P

    Mark III+ vs III++

    There’s a IIB Mike B loop modded 100/60 with GEQ in the SF bay area I’m looking at as well. Prices definitely aren’t what they used to be. GC also has a Mark III no stripe with what appears to be the 105 transformer, but with no GEQ.
  17. P

    Mark III+ vs III++

    Thank you for all your info. I didn’t realize your channel was Tighten, I’ve binged so many of your videos. I’m actually looking to pick up a IIB(+) as well. Your videos are killer!