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  1. E

    IIc+ 60w: regular vs. export (x62) PT?

    Awesome- thanks for the info! I’m hoping I can A/B my HRGX with an SRX. I want to see if I can get a similar “punch” from the SRX that I do from the HRGX. While I loved my DRX, I wanted to add a flavor of C+ that could deliver more spank and more “throaty” tones from a neck pickup, and the HRGX...
  2. E

    Question about export transformer (both x101 & x62) plate voltages

    So, on the "IIc+ guide for dummies," it lists the x101 plate voltage at "448 - 460V" Does this mean different amps with these transformers could be anywhere in this range? Also, has anyone measured the voltage of an x62? Does it also have a similar range, or it is only at 448V?
  3. E

    IIc+ 60w: regular vs. export (x62) PT?

    Wondering if anyone has been able to do any comparisons of the non-export 60w IIc+’s (S, SR, SRG) vs. the versions with the export PT (SX, SRX, SRGX). I recently played an SR and an SRX (two different locations), and I could have sworn the SRX had a little more spank/punch. However, both amps...
  4. E

    Circuit nerds and IIc (non “+”) enthusiasts: tell me about the RP-9C vs RP-10 (non “+”)

    This is fascinating about the bloom. My IIc+'s with the most beautiful, vocal note bloom were my IIc+ HR and DRX. They were both noticeably more vocal-like than my IIc+ HRGX and my IIb DRGX (w/ RP-9C preamp board, closest to the IIc). The IIb also didn't have as much of the liquid quality for...
  5. E

    Mark IIb serial numbers

    Not a dumb question at all, but unfortunately, the only real way to confirm is to remove the chassis and physically look at the preamp board. On the corner nearest the power tubes, it should say. Since you're looking at a non-reverb unit, it will have an "SP-XX" board. Based on what I saw, if...
  6. E

    Mark IIb serial numbers

    Just an update while I can still see it- I spotted an SP-9B out in the wild with a S/N of 10335! This surprised me very much. I guess the SP boards lagged quite a bit behind the RP boards, as far as getting to 9C. 9C versions of the RP board appear almost 2000 S/N's earlier... I'm wondering if...
  7. E

    Circuit nerds and IIc (non “+”) enthusiasts: tell me about the RP-9C vs RP-10 (non “+”)

    I am very fascinated by the amps just before the IIc+. I have an amazing IIb DRGX (RP-9C) that I love. I have never played a (non “+”) IIc. Questions: Is a IIc (non “+”) to the IIc+ kind of like a IIb (RP-9C) non-loop mod’d is to a loop mod’d IIb (RP-9C)? Is the RP-10 (non “+”) closer to the...
  8. E

    x101 vs 100/105 PT in 100/60 ("H") models

    Sent it to Mike B with a "donor" simul-class output transformer (has to be mark ii-iii era). Not sure if he's doing this anymore... I ended up selling the amp, fwiw.
  9. E

    x101 vs 100/105 PT in 100/60 ("H") models

    Wondering if anyone has direct experience comparing two 100/60 amps spec'd similarly, but where one has the x101 PT and one has the 100 or 105 PT. I know the x101 PT is lauded for its application in simul-class configurations (and I can attest; I have a IIc+ DRX that is incredible), but I was...
  10. E

    Mark II simul-class switchable to 60watt mod?

    Cheaper is relative. IIc+ 60W amps go for 4K these days, and that's the non-EQ model.
  11. E

    Mark II simul-class switchable to 60watt mod?

    Thanks so much for this insight. I do know that Mike B does a pentode/triode switch for Mark II's. And I have experienced the simul-class burning through tubes (SED winged C EL34's were the latest victim, which are supposedly a pretty robust NOS tube). However, I am a believer in the...
  12. E

    Mark II simul-class switchable to 60watt mod?

    Please tell me what leads you to believe this would be universally "not worth the effort." I find the difference between simul-class (2 tubes class A triode + 2 tubes class A/B pentode) and class A/B full pentode to be so distinct that it would absolutely be worth it for me (if it's something...
  13. E

    Mark II simul-class switchable to 60watt mod?

    Does such a mod exist? Either something like a 3-way switch (simul 75w, 60w class a/b inner tubes, 15w class A outer tubes), a separate switch, or changing the normal switch (simul class/class A) to a simul/60w switch? I would actually find this way more useful than the simul/class A switch...
  14. E

    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    I'm not sure if this is the same thing you're referring to, but I know some of the later simul-class IIc+'s were described by Mike B. as "heinously bright." I had one of those, and he changed one of the caps. Called it the "brightness reduction mod."
  15. E

    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    I believe it is/was also referred to as "dual-class"
  16. E

    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    Makes sense. I'm wondering if the smaller coupling cap on the non-EQ's further accentuates this, or if the GEQ versions of the sixty watt versions are also noticeably more sparkly. Similarly, I had a Fuchs ODS 100 and an ODS 50; I kept the 50 for the same reason- tighter, more crisp response.
  17. E

    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    H= 100/60watt S= 60watt D= simul-class (75/15watt) R= reverb G= graphic EQ X= export transformer OG= (colloquial) original gangster OG refers to a vintage Mark IIc+, distinguishing it from the reissue
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    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    I had an opportunity to try a IIc+ SRX today (with an x101!). My current amp is a DRX. What struck me was the top end “sparkle” that I seemed to get out of the SRX when playing leads. I’ll never sell my DRX, but I’m intrigued about what flavor of IIc+ has the most top-end “sparkle” for lead...
  19. E

    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    Absolutely. And I think he was right (but for the wrong reason). The IIc+, as many pointed out, was not his "brain child." However, the reason I think he was right to not release a reissue was because, as many pointed out, it really cannot be "reverse engineered." It won't sound as open/organic...
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    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    I know I'm not the only person here (and I don't claim to be) whose spoken extensively with Mike B., but he absolutely strikes me as someone who prefers not to be in the spotlight. I am sure he declined any invitation to be in the press releases for these. And the more cynical side of it: he is...