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  1. rarebitusa

    V:90 V4 - 12ax7 low gain options?

    Yes there's a bunch of threads on this topic Tube Rolling is one @mace had this one V & VII high gain But is it ok to have another? :LOL: So I've been running a JAN 12AT7 7WC in V4 ever since the V:90 showed up years ago. Initially Ch 3 felt harsh so out with the Mesa STR SPAx7-A that was...
  2. rarebitusa

    Truth to the Hype?

    Often forget how good this amp is cause I've had it for so long. But it is truly amazing especially considering what was available back in 83. Ch 1 is often overlooked but it is a gem. Headroom and pedal response is unique. There is alot of focus on Ch 2, scooping and aggressively gaining it up...
  3. rarebitusa

    Who is running EL34s in their V:90s?

    Not a new topic, I know, actually have done the thread search. :LOL: But digging around for an update. If anyone is running them currently in their V:90s and prefer them vs the 6L6s or not and why? Ok I have not yet tried them yet... but I dig my Badlander's response, the squishyness and...
  4. rarebitusa

    Should Mesa Have Called it Something Else?

    Other then a Rectifier??? Doug West indicated that the Badlander sales had a good start but "sadly have fallen on it's face" in the US. Yes the lack of transformers meant they couldn't produce them for two years, which surely played into it. He did go on about this model being a "new take on...
  5. rarebitusa

    Mesa / Doug West Interview

    For some reason this one has flown under the wire. So much of what Doug said resonated with me... supply chain issues, the transformer deal, EU compliance, etc. Anyway it touches on many points, covers a bit of the history much of that is the std talking points, but there's interesting tidbits...
  6. rarebitusa

    Widebody MC-90 Cab

    Not sure what V:90s users think of their favorite cab choices... but for a 1x12 this Widebody with an MC-90 is really growing on me. My default #1 1s a custom vert 2x12 EVM + v30, but hauling it around gives me pause. However, been gigging this one for a few months now and not only is it...
  7. rarebitusa

    Voicing Control Mod

    Well I'm guessing a few folks may have thought, now wouldn't it be cool to have chan voicings foot switchable? On some dual channel Mesas like the Stiletto I find the desire to switch often between say Tite Clean and Crunch on Ch 1 and Tite Gain and Fluid Drive on Ch 2. Especially live this...
  8. rarebitusa

    Other Cabclone IRs?

    Just curious if anyone has used any 3rd party IRs with the Badlander Cabclone IR. I'm familiar with the Two Notes Wall of Sound being a Captor user. Going to assume that their cabinet IRs would drop in. Experiences welcomed :)
  9. rarebitusa

    It's really a GoodLander

    Finally got around to playing a Badlander 50. I've been intrigued for a while to check one out. It certainly did not disappoint, in fact it exceeded my expectations. There certainly was a quality to the gain structure that was pleasing and transitional thru the voicings, especially Crunch to...
  10. rarebitusa

    Any Interest in a Custom Amp Switcher?

    Hello Boogie Forum Folks... The topic says it all. Here we go... So as my amp collection grew I wanted a seamless way of switching between them in my studio. With alot of input from fellow boogieforum bro Thaymz about multiple amp support, I ended up creating a custom midi based tri-amp...
  11. rarebitusa

    Who Needs Pedals

    Yea Who Needs Em Anyway :)
  12. rarebitusa

    MS-12 vs EVM12L

    So for those who have had both... really curious how different the MS-12 is vs the EVMs. Most of what I can gather is that they are very similar. Unfortunately not alot of clip examples out there to sample. Eminence says the closest to what they made for Mesa is the Delta Pro 12a which is...
  13. rarebitusa

    V:90 Resonance in 90W mode

    So I like running the V, Ch 1 Fat in 90W mode for the clean headroom. I have noticed there is this major bass resonance (low A down to E) that sounds/feels like a compressor on with alot of sustain. To compensate, rolling down the bass has been one solution or going to 45W mode or EQ'ng the...
  14. rarebitusa

    Anyone running a Cabinet Simulator?

    Just wondering if anyone is running / or has run a cabinet simulator pedal off of the slave out? Currently using a 1st gen Captor as a silent load and reamping with the slave out to a solid sate amp driving a live cab for lower vol work. Kinda a poor mans Fryette that seems to work pretty...
  15. rarebitusa

    Anyone With a Road King 2x12 cab?

    For anyone with a Road King horizontal 2x12 cab and a tape measure 8) if you'd be so kind to provide the dimensions of the rear panel cutout I'd be grateful. TIA
  16. rarebitusa

    New LSS Shell Day

    Smaller and much lighter... fits nicely on a 1x12 cab now. comparison old shell Thanks to Reggie at rawcabs for working with me on this one.
  17. rarebitusa

    JAN 12AT7 - PI

    For years I tried to clean up Ch 1 in my IIC+, but there always was a content of mid to low freq dist that just couldn't get dialed out completely, no matter how far down the gain or the treb was set... it wasn't a show stopper so just kinda lived with it. However if I ran the IIC+ preamp into...
  18. rarebitusa

    FWIW Ace Power Amp Surprise

    Well I shouldn't be surprised really... First a confession, I have a thing for swapping around preamps to power amps, kinda like a NAD when cables get moved around. Typically like to use the V:90's power amp because of the number of options it has. Now I've been really enjoying this Ace since...
  19. rarebitusa

    Thinking bout a Stiletto

    Hopefully some folks are still following this specific forum... kinda got some GAS WRT to this model line. Here's the deal Early on I had a mid 70's 2203 JMP Master Volume 100 Watt which eventually got upgraded to a IIC+ HR and never looked back. Over the years have added a V:90, a LSS, cabs...
  20. rarebitusa

    LSS Mixing preamps/poweramps...

    Well it didn't take long to get smitten by the LS Special. Off the bat it was a different beast then my V:90 or IIC+ and that's what I truly dig about it. With the IIC+ HR I'm used to running a Mesa GEQ pedal in the loop, in the LSS loop it provides the Ch2/Drive more tonal variability. Can see...